'Utaibah bin Abi Lahab once approached the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and most defiantly and brazenly shouted at him, "I disbelieve in: "By the star when it goes down." [53:1] and in "Then he (Gabriel) approached and came closer." [53:8] In other words: "I do not believe in any of the Qur'ân." He then started to deal highhandedly with Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and laid violent hand on him , tore his shirt and spat into his face but his saliva missed the Holy face of the Prophet (Peace be upon him). Thereupon, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) invoked Allâh's wrath on 'Utaibah and supplicated:
"O Allâh! Set one of Your dogs on him."
Allâh responded positively to Muhammad's (Peace be upon him) supplication, and it happened in the following manner:
Once 'Utaibah with some of his companionss from Quraish set out for Syria and took accommodation in Az-Zarqa'. There a lion approached the group to the great fear of 'Utbah, who at once recalled Muhammad's (Peace be upon him) words in supplication, and said: "Woe to my brother! This lion will surely devour me just as Muhammad (Peace be upon him) supplicated. He has really killed me in Syria while he is in Makkah."The lion did really rush like lightning, snatched 'Utbah from amongst his people and crushed his head.
Source: Ar Raheeq Al Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar)
28 November 2010
27 November 2010
The Life of This World
Abu 'Abdirrahmaan Muhammad al-Kanadi
Al hamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen wa salaatu wa salaamu ‘ala ashrifil anbiyaai wa al mursaleen nabeeyana Mohammad wa ‘ala aalihi wa sahbihee ajma’een.
Wa b’aad:
Truly, we were granted this life to be tested which of us would remain steadfast in the dhikr (remembrance) and shukr (gratitude) of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’aala). Living in a landmine where every step you take can lead to your possible destruction, and not destruction of the body but rather of the soul, we see people being annihilated every single day.
This world is one big attraction, making those who are in reality are meager and full of weakness look strong and mighty, making those who are ignorant seem intelligent, and portraying those who have been misguided and enslaved to their own desires as being the most guided of people.
Know, that no one lives in this dunya except that he will be eaten by it in its entirety or will leave bruised and scarred except for those whom Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’aala) has mercy upon. Hassan al Basari (Rahimahullah) had some wise words concerning the dunya when he said: "So beware of this land (the dunya) that is falling down and is misleading and deceiving, being decorated by its deceit and having eluded (others) by its delusion, and having killed its people with its hopes. It looks forward with anticipation towards the one who proposes to it for marriage. Hence it becomes like the unveiled bride -all the eyes are looking towards it, and the souls are in love with it, and the hearts are captivated by it".[1] Indeed he was true in his words, as we are all guilty of the crime of being deceived by the dunya with its beauty and glamour. Some of us were fortunate to get out, al hamdulillah, while others have wandered off into the everlasting dark tunnel that had no light at its beginning and has no light at its end, and the only thing that will allow him to leave is death itself. Refuge is sought with Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’aala) from such an evil ending.
Al hamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen wa salaatu wa salaamu ‘ala ashrifil anbiyaai wa al mursaleen nabeeyana Mohammad wa ‘ala aalihi wa sahbihee ajma’een.
Wa b’aad:
Truly, we were granted this life to be tested which of us would remain steadfast in the dhikr (remembrance) and shukr (gratitude) of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’aala). Living in a landmine where every step you take can lead to your possible destruction, and not destruction of the body but rather of the soul, we see people being annihilated every single day.
This world is one big attraction, making those who are in reality are meager and full of weakness look strong and mighty, making those who are ignorant seem intelligent, and portraying those who have been misguided and enslaved to their own desires as being the most guided of people.
Know, that no one lives in this dunya except that he will be eaten by it in its entirety or will leave bruised and scarred except for those whom Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’aala) has mercy upon. Hassan al Basari (Rahimahullah) had some wise words concerning the dunya when he said: "So beware of this land (the dunya) that is falling down and is misleading and deceiving, being decorated by its deceit and having eluded (others) by its delusion, and having killed its people with its hopes. It looks forward with anticipation towards the one who proposes to it for marriage. Hence it becomes like the unveiled bride -all the eyes are looking towards it, and the souls are in love with it, and the hearts are captivated by it".[1] Indeed he was true in his words, as we are all guilty of the crime of being deceived by the dunya with its beauty and glamour. Some of us were fortunate to get out, al hamdulillah, while others have wandered off into the everlasting dark tunnel that had no light at its beginning and has no light at its end, and the only thing that will allow him to leave is death itself. Refuge is sought with Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’aala) from such an evil ending.
22 November 2010
Some inspirational narrations regarding Jihad
Anas narrates:
My uncle Anas bin An-Nadr was absent from the Battle of Badr. He said, "O Allah's Apostle! I was absent from the first battle you fought against the pagans.(By Allah) if Allah gives me a chance to fight the pagans, no doubt. Allah will see how (bravely) I will fight." On the day of Uhud when the Muslims turned their backs and fled, he said, "O Allah! I apologize to You for what these (i.e. his companions) have done, and I denounce what these (i.e. the pagans) have done." Then he advanced and Sad bin Muadh met him. He said "O Sad bin Muadh ! By the Lord of An-Nadr, Paradise! I am smelling its aroma coming from before (the mountain of) Uhud," Later on Sad said, "O Allah's Apostle! I cannot achieve or do what he (i.e. Anas bin An-Nadr) did. We found more than eighty wounds by swords and arrows on his body. We found him dead and his body was mutilated so badly that none except his sister could recognize him by his fingers."
(Bukhari/Book 4/ Volume 52 / Hadith 61)
'Aisha narrates:
When Allah's Apostle returned on the day (of the battle) of Al-Khandaq (i.e. Trench), he put down his arms and took a bath. Then Gabriel whose head was covered with dust, came to him saying, "You have put down your arms! By Allah, I have not put down my arms yet." Allah's Apostle said, "Where (to go now)?" Gabriel said, "This way," pointing towards the tribe of Bani Quraiza. So Allah's Apostle went out towards them.
(Bukhari / Book 4 / Volume 52 / Hadith 68)
This tradition has been narrated on the authority of 'Abdullah b. Qais. He heard it from his father who, while facing the enemy, reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Surely, the gates of Paradise are under the shadows of the swords. A man in a shabby condition got up and said; Abu Musa, did you hear the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say this? He said: Yes. (The narrator said): He returned to his friends and said: I greet you (a farewell greeting). Then he broke the sheath of his sword, threw it away, advanced with his (naked) sword towards the enemy and fought (them) with it until he was slain.
(Muslim / Book 20 / Hadith 4681)
It has been reported on the authority of Jabir that a man said: Messenger of Allah, where shall I be if I am killed? He replied: In Paradise. The man threw away the dates he had in his hand and fought until he was killed (i. e. he did not wait until he could finish the dates).
(Muslim / Book 20 / Hadith 4678)
The polytheists (now) advanced (towards us), and the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said. Get up to enter Paradise which is equal in width to the heavens and the earth. 'Umair b. al- Humam al-Ansari said: Messenger of Allah, is Paradise equal in extent to the heavens and the earth? He said: Yes. 'Umair said: My goodness! The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) asked him: What prompted you to utter these words (i. e. my goodness! ')? He said: Messenger of Allah, nothing but the desire that I be among its residents. He said: Thou art (surely) amona its residents. He took out dates from his bag and began to eat them. Then he said: If I were to live until I have eaten all these dates of mine, it would be a long life. (The narrator said): He threw away all the dates he had with him. Then he fought the enemies until he was killed.
(Muslim / Book 20 / Hadith 4680)
Khalid bin al Waleed (ra) said: “That I were to marry a beautiful woman whom I love, or that I were given the good news of having a newborn son, it is less beloved and dear to my heart then to be, in a cold icy night, in an army waiting to meet the enemy the next morning. I advise you to go on Jihad”
(Ibn al Mubarak)
Zaid bin Thabit said: “On the day of Uhud the Messenger of Allah sent me to look for Saad bin al Rabee and if I find him to deliver the salaams of the Messenger of Allah to him. I found him among the bodies of the dead pronouncing his last moments with around seventy injuries in his body. I told him: “The Messenger of Allah delivers his salaams to you.” He said: “salaams to the Messenger of Allah and salaams to you. Tell the Messenger of Allah that I am now smelling the scent of Paradise, and tell my people the Ansar that you have no excuse if the Messenger of Allah is harmed while there is still an eye blinking among you.” After that he died.”
(Al Bayhaqi in al Dala’el and al Hakim)
Malik bin Dinar said: “During the battle of the Zawiyah Abdullah bin Ghalib said: “I am seeing something I cannot holdback from! Let’s go to Paradise!” He then broke the sheath of his sword and fought until he was killed. When he was buried, his grave would give off the smell of Musk. I went myself to his grave and picked up some of its dirt and smelled musk emanating from it!”
(al Bayhaqi)
Shaddad bin al Haad said that a Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah . He believed in him and followed him. When it was the Battle of the Trench the Messenger of Allah was dividing the booties of war between the companions. So he gave him his portion. The Bedouin said: “What is this?” They said: “The Messenger of Allah sent this to you” So he went to the Messenger of Allah and said: “What is this?” The Messenger of Allah said: “This is your share of the booties,” He said: “That’s not why I followed you. But I followed you in order that I be shot at right here - and he pointed to his throat – with an arrow so I can die and enter into Paradise! The Messenger of Allah said: “If you are truthful with Allah, Allah will be truthful with you.” A little later they went to fight. The Bedouin was carried back to the Messenger of Allah with an arrow injury in his throat. The Messenger of Allah asked if it was him, they said: “Yes.” He said: “He was truthful with Allah and Allah was truthful to him.” Then the Messenger of Allah said: “O Allah this servant of yours made Hijrah for your sake and then died as a Martyr. I am a witness over that.”
(Abdul Razaq and Nasa’i)
My uncle Anas bin An-Nadr was absent from the Battle of Badr. He said, "O Allah's Apostle! I was absent from the first battle you fought against the pagans.(By Allah) if Allah gives me a chance to fight the pagans, no doubt. Allah will see how (bravely) I will fight." On the day of Uhud when the Muslims turned their backs and fled, he said, "O Allah! I apologize to You for what these (i.e. his companions) have done, and I denounce what these (i.e. the pagans) have done." Then he advanced and Sad bin Muadh met him. He said "O Sad bin Muadh ! By the Lord of An-Nadr, Paradise! I am smelling its aroma coming from before (the mountain of) Uhud," Later on Sad said, "O Allah's Apostle! I cannot achieve or do what he (i.e. Anas bin An-Nadr) did. We found more than eighty wounds by swords and arrows on his body. We found him dead and his body was mutilated so badly that none except his sister could recognize him by his fingers."
(Bukhari/Book 4/ Volume 52 / Hadith 61)
'Aisha narrates:
When Allah's Apostle returned on the day (of the battle) of Al-Khandaq (i.e. Trench), he put down his arms and took a bath. Then Gabriel whose head was covered with dust, came to him saying, "You have put down your arms! By Allah, I have not put down my arms yet." Allah's Apostle said, "Where (to go now)?" Gabriel said, "This way," pointing towards the tribe of Bani Quraiza. So Allah's Apostle went out towards them.
(Bukhari / Book 4 / Volume 52 / Hadith 68)
This tradition has been narrated on the authority of 'Abdullah b. Qais. He heard it from his father who, while facing the enemy, reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Surely, the gates of Paradise are under the shadows of the swords. A man in a shabby condition got up and said; Abu Musa, did you hear the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say this? He said: Yes. (The narrator said): He returned to his friends and said: I greet you (a farewell greeting). Then he broke the sheath of his sword, threw it away, advanced with his (naked) sword towards the enemy and fought (them) with it until he was slain.
(Muslim / Book 20 / Hadith 4681)
It has been reported on the authority of Jabir that a man said: Messenger of Allah, where shall I be if I am killed? He replied: In Paradise. The man threw away the dates he had in his hand and fought until he was killed (i. e. he did not wait until he could finish the dates).
(Muslim / Book 20 / Hadith 4678)
The polytheists (now) advanced (towards us), and the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said. Get up to enter Paradise which is equal in width to the heavens and the earth. 'Umair b. al- Humam al-Ansari said: Messenger of Allah, is Paradise equal in extent to the heavens and the earth? He said: Yes. 'Umair said: My goodness! The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) asked him: What prompted you to utter these words (i. e. my goodness! ')? He said: Messenger of Allah, nothing but the desire that I be among its residents. He said: Thou art (surely) amona its residents. He took out dates from his bag and began to eat them. Then he said: If I were to live until I have eaten all these dates of mine, it would be a long life. (The narrator said): He threw away all the dates he had with him. Then he fought the enemies until he was killed.
(Muslim / Book 20 / Hadith 4680)
Khalid bin al Waleed (ra) said: “That I were to marry a beautiful woman whom I love, or that I were given the good news of having a newborn son, it is less beloved and dear to my heart then to be, in a cold icy night, in an army waiting to meet the enemy the next morning. I advise you to go on Jihad”
(Ibn al Mubarak)
Zaid bin Thabit said: “On the day of Uhud the Messenger of Allah sent me to look for Saad bin al Rabee and if I find him to deliver the salaams of the Messenger of Allah to him. I found him among the bodies of the dead pronouncing his last moments with around seventy injuries in his body. I told him: “The Messenger of Allah delivers his salaams to you.” He said: “salaams to the Messenger of Allah and salaams to you. Tell the Messenger of Allah that I am now smelling the scent of Paradise, and tell my people the Ansar that you have no excuse if the Messenger of Allah is harmed while there is still an eye blinking among you.” After that he died.”
(Al Bayhaqi in al Dala’el and al Hakim)
Malik bin Dinar said: “During the battle of the Zawiyah Abdullah bin Ghalib said: “I am seeing something I cannot holdback from! Let’s go to Paradise!” He then broke the sheath of his sword and fought until he was killed. When he was buried, his grave would give off the smell of Musk. I went myself to his grave and picked up some of its dirt and smelled musk emanating from it!”
(al Bayhaqi)
Shaddad bin al Haad said that a Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah . He believed in him and followed him. When it was the Battle of the Trench the Messenger of Allah was dividing the booties of war between the companions. So he gave him his portion. The Bedouin said: “What is this?” They said: “The Messenger of Allah sent this to you” So he went to the Messenger of Allah and said: “What is this?” The Messenger of Allah said: “This is your share of the booties,” He said: “That’s not why I followed you. But I followed you in order that I be shot at right here - and he pointed to his throat – with an arrow so I can die and enter into Paradise! The Messenger of Allah said: “If you are truthful with Allah, Allah will be truthful with you.” A little later they went to fight. The Bedouin was carried back to the Messenger of Allah with an arrow injury in his throat. The Messenger of Allah asked if it was him, they said: “Yes.” He said: “He was truthful with Allah and Allah was truthful to him.” Then the Messenger of Allah said: “O Allah this servant of yours made Hijrah for your sake and then died as a Martyr. I am a witness over that.”
(Abdul Razaq and Nasa’i)
21 November 2010
Who was Julaybib
(Radiyallahhu anhu)
His name was unusual and incomplete. Julaybib means "small grown" being the diminutive form of the word "Jalbab ". The name is an indication that Julaybib was small and short, even of dwarf-like stature. More than that, he is described as being "damim" which means ugly, deformed, or of repulsive appearance.
Even more disturbing, for the society in which he lived, Julaybib's lineage was not known. There is no record of who his mother or his father was or to what tribe he belonged. This was a grave disability in the society in which he lived. Julaybib could not expect any compassion or help, any protection or support from a society that placed a great deal of importance on family and tribal connections. In this regard, all that was known of him was that he was an Arab and that, as far as the new community of Islam was concerned, he was one of the Ansar. Perhaps he belonged to one of the outlying tribes beyond Madinah and had drifted into the city or he could even have been from among the Ansar of the city itself.
The disabilities under which Julaybib lived would have been enough to have him ridiculed and shunned in any society and in fact he was prohibited by one person, a certain Abu Barzah of the Aslam tribe, from entering his home. He once told his wife:
"Do not let Julaybib enter among you. If he does, I shall certainly do (something terrible to him)." Probably because he was teased and scoffed at in the company of men, Julaybib used to take refuge in the company of women.
Was there any hope of Julaybib being treated with respect and consideration? Was there any hope of his finding emotional satisfaction as an individual and as a man? Was there any hope of his enjoying the relationships which others take for granted? And in the new society emerging under the guidance of the Prophet, was he so insignificant as to be overlooked in the preoccupation with the great affairs of state and in the supreme issues of life and survival which constantly engaged the attention of the Prophet?
Just as he was aware of the great issues of life and destiny, the Prophet of Mercy was also aware of the needs and sensibilities of his most humble companions. With Julaybib in mind, the Prophet went to one of the Ansar and said: "I want to have your daughter married." "How wonderful and blessed, O Messenger of God and what a delight to the eye (this would be)," replied the Ansari man with obvious joy and happiness. "I do not want her for myself," added the Prophet. "Then for whom, O Messenger of God?" asked the man, obviously somewhat let down. "For Julaybib," said the Prophet.
The Ansari must have been too shocked to give his own reaction and he merely said: "I will consult with her mother." And off he went to his wife. "The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, wants to have your daughter married," he said to her. She too was thrilled. "What a wonderful idea and what a delight to the eye (this would be)." she said. "He doesn't want to marry her himself but he wants to marry her to Julaybib," he added. She was flabbergasted.
"To Julaybib! No, never to Julaybib! No, by the living God, we shall not marry (her) to him." she protested.
As the Ansari was about to return to the Prophet to inform him of what his wife had said, the daughter who had heard her mother's protestations, asked: "Who has asked you to marry me?"
Her mother told her of the Prophet's request for her hand in marriage to Julaybib. When she heard that the request had come from the Prophet and that her mother was absolutely opposed to the idea, she was greatly perturbed and said:
"Do you refuse the request of the Messenger of God? Send me to him for he shall certainly not bring ruin to me." This was the reply of a truly great person who had a clear understanding of what was required of her as a Muslim. What greater satisfaction and fulfillment can a Muslim find than in responding willingly to the requests and commands of the Messenger of God! No doubt, this companion of the Prophet, whose name we do not even know had heard the verse of the Quran: "Now whenever God and His Apostle have decided a matter, it is not for a believing man or believing woman to claim freedom of choice in so far as they themselves are concerned. And he who disobeys God and His Prophet has already, most obviously, gone astray." (The Quran, Surah al-Ahzab, 33:36).
This verse was revealed in connection with the marriage of Zaynab bint Jahsh and Zayd ibn al-Harithah which was arranged by the Prophet to show the egalitarian spirit of Islam. Zaynab at first was highly offended at the thought of marrying Zayd a former slave and refused to do so. The Prophet prevailed upon them both and they were married. The marriage however ended in divorce and Zaynab was eventually married to the Prophet himself. It is said that the Ansari girl read the verse to her parents and said:
"I am satisfied and submit myself to whatever the Messenger of God deems good for me." The Prophet heard of her reaction and prayed for her: "O Lord, bestow good on her in abundance and make not her life one of toil and trouble."
His name was unusual and incomplete. Julaybib means "small grown" being the diminutive form of the word "Jalbab ". The name is an indication that Julaybib was small and short, even of dwarf-like stature. More than that, he is described as being "damim" which means ugly, deformed, or of repulsive appearance.
Even more disturbing, for the society in which he lived, Julaybib's lineage was not known. There is no record of who his mother or his father was or to what tribe he belonged. This was a grave disability in the society in which he lived. Julaybib could not expect any compassion or help, any protection or support from a society that placed a great deal of importance on family and tribal connections. In this regard, all that was known of him was that he was an Arab and that, as far as the new community of Islam was concerned, he was one of the Ansar. Perhaps he belonged to one of the outlying tribes beyond Madinah and had drifted into the city or he could even have been from among the Ansar of the city itself.
The disabilities under which Julaybib lived would have been enough to have him ridiculed and shunned in any society and in fact he was prohibited by one person, a certain Abu Barzah of the Aslam tribe, from entering his home. He once told his wife:
"Do not let Julaybib enter among you. If he does, I shall certainly do (something terrible to him)." Probably because he was teased and scoffed at in the company of men, Julaybib used to take refuge in the company of women.
Was there any hope of Julaybib being treated with respect and consideration? Was there any hope of his finding emotional satisfaction as an individual and as a man? Was there any hope of his enjoying the relationships which others take for granted? And in the new society emerging under the guidance of the Prophet, was he so insignificant as to be overlooked in the preoccupation with the great affairs of state and in the supreme issues of life and survival which constantly engaged the attention of the Prophet?
Just as he was aware of the great issues of life and destiny, the Prophet of Mercy was also aware of the needs and sensibilities of his most humble companions. With Julaybib in mind, the Prophet went to one of the Ansar and said: "I want to have your daughter married." "How wonderful and blessed, O Messenger of God and what a delight to the eye (this would be)," replied the Ansari man with obvious joy and happiness. "I do not want her for myself," added the Prophet. "Then for whom, O Messenger of God?" asked the man, obviously somewhat let down. "For Julaybib," said the Prophet.
The Ansari must have been too shocked to give his own reaction and he merely said: "I will consult with her mother." And off he went to his wife. "The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, wants to have your daughter married," he said to her. She too was thrilled. "What a wonderful idea and what a delight to the eye (this would be)." she said. "He doesn't want to marry her himself but he wants to marry her to Julaybib," he added. She was flabbergasted.
"To Julaybib! No, never to Julaybib! No, by the living God, we shall not marry (her) to him." she protested.
As the Ansari was about to return to the Prophet to inform him of what his wife had said, the daughter who had heard her mother's protestations, asked: "Who has asked you to marry me?"
Her mother told her of the Prophet's request for her hand in marriage to Julaybib. When she heard that the request had come from the Prophet and that her mother was absolutely opposed to the idea, she was greatly perturbed and said:
"Do you refuse the request of the Messenger of God? Send me to him for he shall certainly not bring ruin to me." This was the reply of a truly great person who had a clear understanding of what was required of her as a Muslim. What greater satisfaction and fulfillment can a Muslim find than in responding willingly to the requests and commands of the Messenger of God! No doubt, this companion of the Prophet, whose name we do not even know had heard the verse of the Quran: "Now whenever God and His Apostle have decided a matter, it is not for a believing man or believing woman to claim freedom of choice in so far as they themselves are concerned. And he who disobeys God and His Prophet has already, most obviously, gone astray." (The Quran, Surah al-Ahzab, 33:36).
This verse was revealed in connection with the marriage of Zaynab bint Jahsh and Zayd ibn al-Harithah which was arranged by the Prophet to show the egalitarian spirit of Islam. Zaynab at first was highly offended at the thought of marrying Zayd a former slave and refused to do so. The Prophet prevailed upon them both and they were married. The marriage however ended in divorce and Zaynab was eventually married to the Prophet himself. It is said that the Ansari girl read the verse to her parents and said:
"I am satisfied and submit myself to whatever the Messenger of God deems good for me." The Prophet heard of her reaction and prayed for her: "O Lord, bestow good on her in abundance and make not her life one of toil and trouble."
18 November 2010
Fearing Allah is the best provision
When Ali returned from battle of Siffin, he passed by a graveyard outside Kufa and said:
'O you who live on the houses that create loneliness and in deserted places! O People of dust and alienation! O people of isolation and loneliness! You are, for us, scouts and we , for you, followers'.
'The houses? well they have become inhabited again. The wives? well they have remarried. The wealth? well it has been distributed'.
'This is news we have for you. What news do you have for us'.
Then Ali turned toward his army and said
'If they were permitted to speak, they would inform you the best provision is Fearing Allah(Taqwa)'.
Extracted from the book "Taqwa: The provision for believers".
'O you who live on the houses that create loneliness and in deserted places! O People of dust and alienation! O people of isolation and loneliness! You are, for us, scouts and we , for you, followers'.
'The houses? well they have become inhabited again. The wives? well they have remarried. The wealth? well it has been distributed'.
'This is news we have for you. What news do you have for us'.
Then Ali turned toward his army and said
'If they were permitted to speak, they would inform you the best provision is Fearing Allah(Taqwa)'.
Extracted from the book "Taqwa: The provision for believers".
11 November 2010
Descriptions of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal
Al-Hasan ibn Ahmad -the governor of Al-Jisr- said: "I entered the presence of Ishaq bin Ibrahim and so-and-so and so-and-so (and he mentioned some of the rulers), but I have not seen anyone more awe-inspiring than Ahmed bin Hanbal; but I was overcome with shivering when I saw him, due to the awe which he inspired."
Abu Ja'far bin Zareeh Al-'Ukbari said: "I sought out Ahmed bin Hanbal to ask him about a certain matter and I sat at the door of the house until he came. Then I stood up and greeted him with salutation of peace and I (saw that) he was a tall, old man with dyed hair and a very brown complexion."
'Abdoos said: "Abu 'Abdullah (Ahmed bin Hanbal)saw me one day and I was laughing; and now to this day I feel embarrassed in front of him."
Abu 'Ubaid Al-Qasim bin Salam said: I have sat with Abu Yoosuf, Muhammad bin Al-Hasan, Yahya bin Sa'eed and Abdu-Rahman bin Mahdi but I was not awed by any of them as I was by Ahmed bin Hanbal. I visited him when he was in prison, in order to give salutations of peace to him and a man asked me about a matter, but I was so awed by him (i.e imam ahmed) that i did not answer."
Ahmed bin Sinan Al-Wasiti said: "I did not see Yazeed bin Haroon honoring anyone the way he honored Ahmed bin Hanbal, and he used to treat him with respect and dignity and he would not joke with him."
Yahya bin Ma'een -in spite of his own elevated status and great knowledge- used to say : "The people wished that I should be like Ahmed bin Hanbal. No, by Allah! I will never be like Ahmed."
Ibraheem bin Ash-Shammas said: "I knew Ahmed bin Hanbal when he was a young boy and he used to spend the nights in prayer."
Nasr bin 'Ali said : The position of Ahmed bin Hanbal in the hear after would be better, because the life of this world came to him and he rejected it."
Hajjah bin ash-Sha'ir said: "My eyes have not seen a soul in a body better than Ahmed bin Hanbal."
'Abdu-Rahman bin al-Mahdi said of him: "I have never look at this man without thinking of Sufyan ath-Thawri."
Ibraheem bin hani' said of the time when Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal hid from the sultan and hid in his house, "I have not seen anyone more abstemious, more devout in worship , nor anyone who exerted himself more(in Allah's cause) than Ahmed bin Hanbal. He would fast during the day and he would hasten to break his fast, then he would perform a number of rak'ahs after 'Isha', then he would have a light sleep, after which he would get up and purify himself and he would continue praying until fajr time. Then he would offer a Witr prayer of one Ra'kah. This was his custom throughout the time he remained with me.I did not keep up with him in worship; and I did not see him fail to fast except on one day, when he did not fast in order to have Hijamah(cupping) performed on him."
Source: The biography of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal by Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood
Abu Ja'far bin Zareeh Al-'Ukbari said: "I sought out Ahmed bin Hanbal to ask him about a certain matter and I sat at the door of the house until he came. Then I stood up and greeted him with salutation of peace and I (saw that) he was a tall, old man with dyed hair and a very brown complexion."
'Abdoos said: "Abu 'Abdullah (Ahmed bin Hanbal)saw me one day and I was laughing; and now to this day I feel embarrassed in front of him."
Abu 'Ubaid Al-Qasim bin Salam said: I have sat with Abu Yoosuf, Muhammad bin Al-Hasan, Yahya bin Sa'eed and Abdu-Rahman bin Mahdi but I was not awed by any of them as I was by Ahmed bin Hanbal. I visited him when he was in prison, in order to give salutations of peace to him and a man asked me about a matter, but I was so awed by him (i.e imam ahmed) that i did not answer."
Ahmed bin Sinan Al-Wasiti said: "I did not see Yazeed bin Haroon honoring anyone the way he honored Ahmed bin Hanbal, and he used to treat him with respect and dignity and he would not joke with him."
Yahya bin Ma'een -in spite of his own elevated status and great knowledge- used to say : "The people wished that I should be like Ahmed bin Hanbal. No, by Allah! I will never be like Ahmed."
Ibraheem bin Ash-Shammas said: "I knew Ahmed bin Hanbal when he was a young boy and he used to spend the nights in prayer."
Nasr bin 'Ali said : The position of Ahmed bin Hanbal in the hear after would be better, because the life of this world came to him and he rejected it."
Hajjah bin ash-Sha'ir said: "My eyes have not seen a soul in a body better than Ahmed bin Hanbal."
'Abdu-Rahman bin al-Mahdi said of him: "I have never look at this man without thinking of Sufyan ath-Thawri."
Ibraheem bin hani' said of the time when Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal hid from the sultan and hid in his house, "I have not seen anyone more abstemious, more devout in worship , nor anyone who exerted himself more(in Allah's cause) than Ahmed bin Hanbal. He would fast during the day and he would hasten to break his fast, then he would perform a number of rak'ahs after 'Isha', then he would have a light sleep, after which he would get up and purify himself and he would continue praying until fajr time. Then he would offer a Witr prayer of one Ra'kah. This was his custom throughout the time he remained with me.I did not keep up with him in worship; and I did not see him fail to fast except on one day, when he did not fast in order to have Hijamah(cupping) performed on him."
Source: The biography of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal by Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood
08 November 2010
I see the angels washing Hanzalah's body
When the battle of Uhud started, Hanzalah (Radhiyallahu anhu) had just been wedded and therefore did not join the battle from the beginning. It is said that he had just left the bed of his wife and had hardly started taking his bath, when he heard somebody breaking the news about the defeat. He postponed the bath and, with sword in hand, rushed towards the battle-field. He jumped into the enemy concentration, fighting and penetrating till he was killed. Now the body of the person killed in the path of Allah is not washed, unless a bath has been incumbent on him before his death. Not knowing his failure to take the bath incumbent on him, the Sahabah buried him without a wash. Just before his burial, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: "I see the angels washing Hanzalah's body."
Abu Saeed Sa'di (Radhiyallahu anhu) says: "On hearing this from the Prophet (Peace be upon him), I went to have a look at Hanzalah's face and I noticed drops of water trickling down his hair."
When the Prophet (Peace be upon him) returned to Madinah, he made queries and the facts of Hanzalah's (Radhiyallahu anhu) postponing his bath came to light.
Source: From the book "Stories of the Sahaabah" Revised translation of the Urdu book Hikayaat-e-Sahaabah
Abu Saeed Sa'di (Radhiyallahu anhu) says: "On hearing this from the Prophet (Peace be upon him), I went to have a look at Hanzalah's face and I noticed drops of water trickling down his hair."
When the Prophet (Peace be upon him) returned to Madinah, he made queries and the facts of Hanzalah's (Radhiyallahu anhu) postponing his bath came to light.
Source: From the book "Stories of the Sahaabah" Revised translation of the Urdu book Hikayaat-e-Sahaabah
07 November 2010
Beautiful quotes regarding night prayer (Tahajjud)
Al-Tirmidhi (1984) narrated that ‘Ali said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “In Paradise there are apartments the outside of which can be seen from the inside and the inside of which can be seen from the outside.” A Bedouin stood up and said: “Who are they for, O Messenger of Allaah?” He said: “They are for those who speak good words, feed others, fast regularly and pray to Allaah at night when people are sleeping.” Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.
Al-Haakim narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Jibreel came to me and said: ‘O Muhammad, live as long as you want, for you will die. Love whomever you want, for you will leave him. Do whatever you want for you will be requited for it. Remember that the believer’s honour is his praying at night, and his pride is his being independent of people.” Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 73.
A man asked Tameem ibn Aws al-Daari (may Allaah be pleased with him), ‘How do you pray at night?’ He got very angry and said, ‘By Allaah, one rak’ah that I pray in secret in the small hours of the night is more beloved to me than praying the whole night long and then telling people about it.
Ayyoob al-Sakhtiyaani used to spend the entire night in prayer, then when dawn approached, he would go back to bed and lie down, and when dawn came, he would raise his voice as if he had just woken up.
Yahyaa ibn Mu’aadh said: “The medicine of the heart is five things: reading Qur’aan and pondering the meaning, having an empty stomach, praying at night (qiyaam al-layl), beseeching Allaah at the time of suhoor, and keeping company with righteous people.”
Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir said: “There is nothing left of the joys of this life except three: qiyaam al-layl, meeting one’s brothers in faith, and praying in congregation.”
Thaabit al-Banaani said: “There is nothing I enjoy more than qiyaam al-layl.”
Yazeed al-Riqaashi said: “A lot of tahajjud brings delight to the worshippers, and a lot of thirst (i.e., fasting), brings joy when they meet Allaah.”
Mukhallad ibn Husayn said: “I never woke up at night except I saw Ibraaheem ibn Adham remembering Allaah and praying, and this made me depressed, so I consoled myself with this aayah (interpretation of the meaning): ‘…That is the Grace of Allaahm which He bestows on whom He pleases. And Allaah is the Owner of Great Bounty’ [al-Hadeed 54:21].”
Abu ‘Aasim al-Nabeel said: “Abu Haneefah used to be called al-Watad (pole or pillar) because he prayed so much.”
Al-Qaasim ibn Ma’een said: “Abu Haneefah spent an entire night in qiyaam reciting this aayah (interpretation of the meaning): ‘Nay, but the Hour is their appointed time (for their full recompense), and the Hour will be more grievous and more bitter’ [al-Qamar 54:46], repeating it and weeping, beseeching Allaah until morning came.”
Ibraaheem ibn Shammaas said: “I used to see Ahmad ibn Hanbal staying up at night to pray when he was a young man.”
Abu Bakr al-Marwadhi said: “I was with Imaam Ahmad for nearly four months in the army, and he never stopped praying qiyaam at night or reading Qur’aan during the day, and I never knew when he completed the Qur’aan, because he kept that secret.”
Imaam al-Bukhaari used to pray qiyaam and tahajjud at night until the time of suhoor, and he would read between a half and a third of the Qur’aan, and complete it at suhoor every third night.
Al-‘Allaamah Ibn ‘Abd al-Haadi said, describing the qiyaam of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah: “At night he would keep away from people, and spend that time only with his Lord, beseeching Him continually and reciting Qur’aan, repeating different kinds of acts of worship by night and by day. When he began to pray, his body would start to tremble, leaning to the left and right.”
Ibn Rajab said concerning his shaykh Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim: “He was a man of worship, tahajjud and lengthy prayers. I have never seen his equal in worship and knowledge of the Qur’aan, hadeeth and principles of faith.”
Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said, describing his shaykh al-Haafiz al-‘Iraaqi: “I stayed with him, and I never saw him forsake qiyaam al-layl: it was like a habit for him.”
Al-Haakim narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Jibreel came to me and said: ‘O Muhammad, live as long as you want, for you will die. Love whomever you want, for you will leave him. Do whatever you want for you will be requited for it. Remember that the believer’s honour is his praying at night, and his pride is his being independent of people.” Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 73.
A man asked Tameem ibn Aws al-Daari (may Allaah be pleased with him), ‘How do you pray at night?’ He got very angry and said, ‘By Allaah, one rak’ah that I pray in secret in the small hours of the night is more beloved to me than praying the whole night long and then telling people about it.
Ayyoob al-Sakhtiyaani used to spend the entire night in prayer, then when dawn approached, he would go back to bed and lie down, and when dawn came, he would raise his voice as if he had just woken up.
Yahyaa ibn Mu’aadh said: “The medicine of the heart is five things: reading Qur’aan and pondering the meaning, having an empty stomach, praying at night (qiyaam al-layl), beseeching Allaah at the time of suhoor, and keeping company with righteous people.”
Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir said: “There is nothing left of the joys of this life except three: qiyaam al-layl, meeting one’s brothers in faith, and praying in congregation.”
Thaabit al-Banaani said: “There is nothing I enjoy more than qiyaam al-layl.”
Yazeed al-Riqaashi said: “A lot of tahajjud brings delight to the worshippers, and a lot of thirst (i.e., fasting), brings joy when they meet Allaah.”
Mukhallad ibn Husayn said: “I never woke up at night except I saw Ibraaheem ibn Adham remembering Allaah and praying, and this made me depressed, so I consoled myself with this aayah (interpretation of the meaning): ‘…That is the Grace of Allaahm which He bestows on whom He pleases. And Allaah is the Owner of Great Bounty’ [al-Hadeed 54:21].”
Abu ‘Aasim al-Nabeel said: “Abu Haneefah used to be called al-Watad (pole or pillar) because he prayed so much.”
Al-Qaasim ibn Ma’een said: “Abu Haneefah spent an entire night in qiyaam reciting this aayah (interpretation of the meaning): ‘Nay, but the Hour is their appointed time (for their full recompense), and the Hour will be more grievous and more bitter’ [al-Qamar 54:46], repeating it and weeping, beseeching Allaah until morning came.”
Ibraaheem ibn Shammaas said: “I used to see Ahmad ibn Hanbal staying up at night to pray when he was a young man.”
Abu Bakr al-Marwadhi said: “I was with Imaam Ahmad for nearly four months in the army, and he never stopped praying qiyaam at night or reading Qur’aan during the day, and I never knew when he completed the Qur’aan, because he kept that secret.”
Imaam al-Bukhaari used to pray qiyaam and tahajjud at night until the time of suhoor, and he would read between a half and a third of the Qur’aan, and complete it at suhoor every third night.
Al-‘Allaamah Ibn ‘Abd al-Haadi said, describing the qiyaam of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah: “At night he would keep away from people, and spend that time only with his Lord, beseeching Him continually and reciting Qur’aan, repeating different kinds of acts of worship by night and by day. When he began to pray, his body would start to tremble, leaning to the left and right.”
Ibn Rajab said concerning his shaykh Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim: “He was a man of worship, tahajjud and lengthy prayers. I have never seen his equal in worship and knowledge of the Qur’aan, hadeeth and principles of faith.”
Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said, describing his shaykh al-Haafiz al-‘Iraaqi: “I stayed with him, and I never saw him forsake qiyaam al-layl: it was like a habit for him.”
06 November 2010
Good news for reciters of Holy Quran
Shaikh Salim Bin 'Isa once visited Hamza Bin Al-Habib Al-Zayyat, God bless his soul, who had memorized the Holy Qur'an and read it with great devotion, seeking God's pleasure, and saw him crying and rubbing his cheeks with dust. He exclaimed: "I call upon God's protection for you. 0 Hamza, what is this crying?" Hamza replied: "Last night, I saw in a dream that the Day of Resurrection took place. The readers of the Qur'an were called in to stand before God Almighty, and I was among them. I then heard an amiable voice saying: 'Only those who lived by the Qur'an should enter.' I was in shock, so I began to withdraw. A voice called my name: 'Where are you going to, 0 Hamza Bin Al-Zayyat?' I cried out: 'At thy command, 0 caller to my Lord.' An angel then said to me: 'Say:At Thy command 0 my Lord,At Thy command.' So I repeated what the angel told me to say.I was then led into an abode where I heard the voices of Qur'an readers. I stood there shaking. I then heard a voice saying to me: 'Be at peace. Rise there and read.' I turned my face to the direction of the voice and saw a pulpit made from white pearls. One step is made from red sapphire, and another is made from green chrysolite. Then I was told: 'Rise and read.' So I did, and I read Al-An'am chapter, not knowing before whom I am reading. When I reached verse sixty-one, reading: 'And He is the irresistible Lord,Who watches from above over His creation... ' (Qur'an 6:61), the voice then said: '0 Hamza, Am I not the irresistible Lord, Who watches from above over His creation?' I said: 'Indeed. Thou speaks the truth.' Then I read Al-A'raf chapter to its last verse, which says: 'Those who are near to their Lord, do not disdain to worship Him. They celebrate His praises, and bow down in prostration before Him.' (Qur'an 7:206). As I intended to prostrate before my Lord, my Lord said: 'Sufficient is the reading. Do not prostrate here.' He continued: '0 Hamza, who taught you how to read this?' I replied: 'Sulaiman.' He said: 'True. Who taught Sulaiman?' I replied: 'Yahya.' He said: 'True. Who taught Yahya?' I replied: 'Abi Abdu-Rahman.' He said: 'True. Who taught Abi Abdu-Rahman?' I replied: 'Ali Bin Abi Talib, the cousin of Thy Prophet( Peace be upon him).' He said: 'Ali spoke the truth. Who taught Ali?' I replied: 'Thy Prophet, upon whom be peace.' He said: 'My Prophet spoke the truth. Who taught My Prophet( Peace be upon him)?' I replied: 'Gibreel, upon whom be peace.' He continued: 'And Who taught Gibreel?' I remained silent. He said: '0 Hamza, say You.' I replied: 'Lord, I cannot say that!' He again said: 'Say You.' I said: 'You.'He said: 'You spoke the truth 0 Hamza. I swear by the Qur'an, I shall honor its readers and particularly those who lived by it and acted with it. 0 Hamza, the Qur'an is My Word, and I love no one better than the people of the Qur'an. 0 Hamza, come nearer.' So I did, and my Lord anointed me with a musky ambergris. Then He added: 0 Hamza. This is not only for you. I did the same to your companions who are higher than you and to those who are lower than you, as well as to those who read the Qur'an like you and who seek no reward except Me. What I have reserved for you is still greater than this. So tell your friends about Me and about My love for the people of the Qur'an, for they are the chosen and elite. 0 Hamza, I swear by My Glory and Majesty, I shall never punish a tongue that recited the Qur'an, nor a heart that understood it, nor an ear that heard it, nor an eye that looked at it.' I said: 'Glory be to Thee, 0 my Lord.' God Almighty added: 'Who are the people ofthe Qur'an?' I said: 'Those who memorize it, my Lord?' He said: 'Indeed. Such people. I am on their side until they meet with Me on the Day of Judgement. When they come before Me, I shall raise them a station for each verse they learned.''' Hamza, God be pleased with him continued: "Thus, would you blame me if I cry and rub my cheeks with dust?"
* Extracted from the book 'IBN SEERIN'S DICTIONARY OF DREAMS' By Mohamed M. Al- Akili
* Extracted from the book 'IBN SEERIN'S DICTIONARY OF DREAMS' By Mohamed M. Al- Akili
05 November 2010
The pious predecessors and their Salah
For forty years, the Adhan was never called but Sa`id bin al-Musayyab radhiallahu `anhu was in the mosque before it was called. [Tabaqat al Hanabilah 1/141, Hilyat al Awliya 2/163, Sifat as Safwah 2/80]
`Umar became unconscious after he was stabbed, and according to Al Miswar bin Makhramah, it was said: "Nothing would wake him up except the call to prayer, if he is still alive." They said to him, "The prayer has finished, O Chief of the Faithful!" He woke up and said, "The prayer, by Allah! Verily, there is no share in Islam for whoever abandons the prayer." He performed the prayer while his would was bleeding. [Sifat as Safwah 2/131, As Siyar 5/220]
After ar-Rabi` bin Khaytham became partially paralyzed, he used to go to the mosque helped by two men. He was told:
"O AbuYazid! You have been given permission to pray at home." He said, "You have said the truth, but I heard the caller hearld, 'Hayya `ala al-Falah (Come to success)', and I thought that whoever hears this call should answer it even by crawling." [Hilyat al Awliya 2/113]
Adi bin Hatim, radhiallahu `anhu, said: "Every time the prayer time falls, it falls while I am eager for it and ready to perform it (i.e. having wudu)." [Az Zuhd by Ahmad, p. 249]
Abu Bakr bin Abdullah al Muzani said: "Who is like you, O son of Adam? Whenever you wish, you use water to make Ablution, go to the place fo worship and thus enter the presence of your Lord (i.e. start praying) without a translator or a barrier between you and Him!" [Al Bidayah wa an Nihayah 9/256]
Abu Rajaa al `Ataridi, "Nothing that I leave behind grieves me, except that I used to bow down on my face five times a day before my Lord, the Exalted and Most Honored." [Hilyat al Awliya 2/306]
Abu Al Aliyah said, "I would travel for days to meet a man and the first thing I would notice about him is his prayer. If he would establish the prayer perfectly and on time, I would stay with him and hear the knowledge he had. If I found him to be careless concerning the prayer, I would leave him and say to myself that for things other than the prayer, he would be even more careless."
When Ali bin Al Husain used to perform Wudu, his color would change. His family asked him why this happened to him every time he performed Ablution, he sid, "Do you know before Whom I am about to stand (in prayer)?"
Yazid bin Abdullah was asked, "Should we make a roof for our mosque?" He said, "Purify your hearts and your mosque will be sufficient for you." [Hilyat al Awliya 2/312]
Adi bin Hatim, radhiallahu `anhu said, "Ever since I became Muslim, I always made sure to have Wudu when the Adhan is called." [As Siyar 3/160]
Ubayd bin Ja`far said, "I never saw my uncle Bishr bin Masnur miss the first takbir, and whenever any person stood up in our mosque to ask people for help, my uncle gave him something." [Sifat as Safwah 3/376]
Ibn Sama`ah said, "For forty years, I only missed Takbir Tahrimah when my mother died." [As Siyar 10/646]
`Umar became unconscious after he was stabbed, and according to Al Miswar bin Makhramah, it was said: "Nothing would wake him up except the call to prayer, if he is still alive." They said to him, "The prayer has finished, O Chief of the Faithful!" He woke up and said, "The prayer, by Allah! Verily, there is no share in Islam for whoever abandons the prayer." He performed the prayer while his would was bleeding. [Sifat as Safwah 2/131, As Siyar 5/220]
After ar-Rabi` bin Khaytham became partially paralyzed, he used to go to the mosque helped by two men. He was told:
"O AbuYazid! You have been given permission to pray at home." He said, "You have said the truth, but I heard the caller hearld, 'Hayya `ala al-Falah (Come to success)', and I thought that whoever hears this call should answer it even by crawling." [Hilyat al Awliya 2/113]
Adi bin Hatim, radhiallahu `anhu, said: "Every time the prayer time falls, it falls while I am eager for it and ready to perform it (i.e. having wudu)." [Az Zuhd by Ahmad, p. 249]
Abu Bakr bin Abdullah al Muzani said: "Who is like you, O son of Adam? Whenever you wish, you use water to make Ablution, go to the place fo worship and thus enter the presence of your Lord (i.e. start praying) without a translator or a barrier between you and Him!" [Al Bidayah wa an Nihayah 9/256]
Abu Rajaa al `Ataridi, "Nothing that I leave behind grieves me, except that I used to bow down on my face five times a day before my Lord, the Exalted and Most Honored." [Hilyat al Awliya 2/306]
Abu Al Aliyah said, "I would travel for days to meet a man and the first thing I would notice about him is his prayer. If he would establish the prayer perfectly and on time, I would stay with him and hear the knowledge he had. If I found him to be careless concerning the prayer, I would leave him and say to myself that for things other than the prayer, he would be even more careless."
When Ali bin Al Husain used to perform Wudu, his color would change. His family asked him why this happened to him every time he performed Ablution, he sid, "Do you know before Whom I am about to stand (in prayer)?"
Yazid bin Abdullah was asked, "Should we make a roof for our mosque?" He said, "Purify your hearts and your mosque will be sufficient for you." [Hilyat al Awliya 2/312]
Adi bin Hatim, radhiallahu `anhu said, "Ever since I became Muslim, I always made sure to have Wudu when the Adhan is called." [As Siyar 3/160]
Ubayd bin Ja`far said, "I never saw my uncle Bishr bin Masnur miss the first takbir, and whenever any person stood up in our mosque to ask people for help, my uncle gave him something." [Sifat as Safwah 3/376]
Ibn Sama`ah said, "For forty years, I only missed Takbir Tahrimah when my mother died." [As Siyar 10/646]
04 November 2010
The blessed invitation
Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Abu Talhah (May Allah be pleased with him) said to (to his wife) Umm Sulaim(May Allah be pleased with her), "I noticed some weakness in the voice of Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and I feel it was due to hunger. Have you got any food?'' She said, "Yes.'' So she brought out barley loaves, took off her head covering, in a part of which she wrapped these loaves and then put them beneath my mantle and covered me with a part of it. She then sent me to Messenger of Allah (PBUH). I set forth and found Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sitting in the mosque in the company of some people. I stood near them whereupon Messenger of Allah (PBUH) asked, "Has Abu Talhah sent you?'' I said, "Yes.'' Thereupon he said to those who were with him to get up (and follow him). He went forth and so did I, ahead of them until I came to Abu Talhah and informed him. Abu Talhah said, "O Umm Sulaim, here comes Messenger of Allah (PBUH) along with the people and we do not have enough (food) to feed them.'' She said, "Allah and His Messenger know better.'' Abu Talhah went out (to receive him) until he met Messenger of Allah (PBUH), and he came forward along with him until they both (Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and Abu Talhah (May Allah be pleased with him) came in. Then Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "O Umm Sulaim, bring forth what you have with you.'' So she brought the bread. Messenger of Allah (PBUH) commanded that the bread be broken into small pieces and after Umm Sulaim (May Allah be pleased with her) had squeezed clarified butter out of a butter container and made it just like soup. Messenger of Allah (PBUH) recited over it what Allah wished him to recite. He then said, "Allow ten guests to come in.'' They ate until they had their fill. They then went out. He (Messenger of Allah (PBUH)) again said, "Allow ten (more to come in)'', and he (the host) ushered them in. They ate to their fill. Then they went out. He (PBUH) again said, "Allow ten (more),'' until all the people ate to their fill. They were seventy or eighty persons.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Another narration is: Anas said: When all had eaten, the remaining food was collected. It was as much as there was in the beginning.
Yet another narration is: Anas said: The groups of ten people ate by turn. After eighty persons had eaten, Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and the family of that house ate, and there was still a quantity left over.
Another narration is: Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: I visited Messenger of Allah (PBUH) one day, and found him sitting in the company of his Companions, with a belt tied over his waist. I asked, "Why has Messenger of Allah (PBUH) tied the belt on his waist?'' I was told, "Due to hunger.'' I went to Abu Talhah (May Allah be pleased with him) the husband of Umm Sulaim (May Allah be pleased with her) and said, "O father, I have seen Messenger of Allah (PBUH) with a belt tied over his waist. I asked one of his Companions about the reason of it and he said that it was on account of severe hunger.'' Abu Talhah (May Allah be pleased with him) went to my mother and asked, "Have you got anything?'' She said, "Yes. I have a piece of bread and some dry dates. Were Messenger of Allah (PBUH) to come alone, we could feed him his fill, but if he comes along with others, there would not be enough food.'' Anas then narrated the Hadith in full.
Source : Riyad-us-Saliheen/ The book of miscellany/ Chapter 56/no.521
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Another narration is: Anas said: When all had eaten, the remaining food was collected. It was as much as there was in the beginning.
Yet another narration is: Anas said: The groups of ten people ate by turn. After eighty persons had eaten, Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and the family of that house ate, and there was still a quantity left over.
Another narration is: Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: I visited Messenger of Allah (PBUH) one day, and found him sitting in the company of his Companions, with a belt tied over his waist. I asked, "Why has Messenger of Allah (PBUH) tied the belt on his waist?'' I was told, "Due to hunger.'' I went to Abu Talhah (May Allah be pleased with him) the husband of Umm Sulaim (May Allah be pleased with her) and said, "O father, I have seen Messenger of Allah (PBUH) with a belt tied over his waist. I asked one of his Companions about the reason of it and he said that it was on account of severe hunger.'' Abu Talhah (May Allah be pleased with him) went to my mother and asked, "Have you got anything?'' She said, "Yes. I have a piece of bread and some dry dates. Were Messenger of Allah (PBUH) to come alone, we could feed him his fill, but if he comes along with others, there would not be enough food.'' Anas then narrated the Hadith in full.
Source : Riyad-us-Saliheen/ The book of miscellany/ Chapter 56/no.521
02 November 2010
Monks at Night and Knights by Day
In the decisive battles against the Romans during the time of Caliph Umar (RA), the Muslim soldiers, although always outnumbered by the enemy, proved mysteriously indomitable and strong-willed opponents. The Roman commanders were baffled as to how could the once barbaric and irregular desert army display such vigour and chivalry against a battle hardened regular Roman army. They sent some informers to see how the Muslim soldiers spend their time, especially at night. As wining and womanising were the common practices of the conquering army, the generals were perplexed and frightened to hear that Muslims were like ‘monks at night and knights by day’.
Such was the characteristics of the first generation of Muslims who, within a few decades conquered the land beyond Arabia and brought out an extraordinary social revolution in the history of mankind. They made the mountains move, rivers give way in their search for human liberation and, above all, human hearts surrender to one Allah. They were the first “Qur’anic generation”, as Syed Qutub of Egypt put it. They were the people despised by the then two super powers, the Persians in the east and the Romans in the west, to the extent that neither of them even felt like to take them over.
Source: http://www.witness-pioneer.org/VSchool/parenting.html
(the lecture notes of Muslim personality)
Such was the characteristics of the first generation of Muslims who, within a few decades conquered the land beyond Arabia and brought out an extraordinary social revolution in the history of mankind. They made the mountains move, rivers give way in their search for human liberation and, above all, human hearts surrender to one Allah. They were the first “Qur’anic generation”, as Syed Qutub of Egypt put it. They were the people despised by the then two super powers, the Persians in the east and the Romans in the west, to the extent that neither of them even felt like to take them over.
Source: http://www.witness-pioneer.org/VSchool/parenting.html
(the lecture notes of Muslim personality)
`Uthmaan ibn Madh'uun decided to emigrate to Al-Madiinah where he would not be haunted or harassed by Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, Umaiyah, `Utbah, or any of the other ruthless disbelievers who abused and tormented the Muslims. He traveled to Al -Madiinah with those great Companions who survived the hardships, terror, and horror of the trials with admirable steadfastness and stoutness. They did not emigrate to Al-Madiinah to rest. On the contrary, Al-Madiinah was the springboard that enabled Muslims to strive in the way of Allah all over the world, clinging to allah's flag and spreading His words, signs, and guidance.
When `Uthmaan had settled in the illuminated Madiinah, his remarkable, great qualities were unveiled! He ultimately emerged as an ascetic, devout, and repentant worshiper. To sum up, he was the glorious and intelligent "monk" who was not sequestered in his hermitage but rather in life. He spent his life striving in the way of Allah. Indeed, he was the worshiper by night and the fighter by day. In fact, he was the worshipper and the fighter of both night and day.
Although all the Prophet's (PBUH) Companions at that time were inclined to asceticism and devoutness, yet Ibn Madh'uun had a certain strategy in that respect, for he was so remarkably absorbed in his asceticism and devoutness that he turned his life, day and night, into a perpetual blessed prayer and a sweet long glorification. No sooner had he sipped the sweetness of the engrossement in worship than he hastened to abandon all the enticing luxury and splendor of life. Therefore, he wore nothing but coarse clothes and ate nothing but coarse food.
One day, he walked into the mosque in which the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions were sitting, and he had on a faded, worn-out garment that was patched with a piece of fur. As soon as the Prophet (PBUH) saw him, he sympathized with him, and the Companions' eyes were filled with tears, yet the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Would you like it if you were rich enough to have as many garments as you like and as much food as you like? Would you like your upholstery to be as expensive as the clothes used in covering the Ka'bah." The Companions answered, "We would indeed! We would like to live in luxury surrounded by the splendors of life." The Prophet (PBUH) commented, "You will be wealthy, but you are today far better in your piety and devoutness than you will when you are wealthy." Naturally, when Ibn Madh'uun heard the Prophet's words, he clung more and more to his austere and coarse life. He went so far as to renounce sexual intercourse with his wife, yet when the Prophet (PBUH) heard about this exaggerated attitude, he summoned him and said, "Your wife has the right to have sexual intercourse with you."
The Prophet (PBUH) loved him dearly. When his pure spirit was embarking on its journey towards Heaven, the Prophet (PBUH) was next to him, paying his last farewell to the first Muhaajir to die in Al-Madiinah and the first to be raised to Paradise. He leaned to kiss his forehead and his amiable eyes flowed with tears that wet `Uthmaan's face, which looked remarkably graceful. The Prophet (PBUH) paid his last farewell to his beloved Companion by saying, "Allah bestow His mercy on you, Abu As-Saa'ib. You are now leaving life that was not able to seduce or mislead you."
The revered Prophet (PBUH) did not forget his Companion after his death; on the contrary, he often mentioned and praised him. For instance, his very last words to his daughter Ruqaiyah on her deathbed were, "Go on, follow in the pious and devout `Uthmaan Ibn Madh'uun's footsteps up to Paradise."
* Extracted from the book "Men around the messenger"
When `Uthmaan had settled in the illuminated Madiinah, his remarkable, great qualities were unveiled! He ultimately emerged as an ascetic, devout, and repentant worshiper. To sum up, he was the glorious and intelligent "monk" who was not sequestered in his hermitage but rather in life. He spent his life striving in the way of Allah. Indeed, he was the worshiper by night and the fighter by day. In fact, he was the worshipper and the fighter of both night and day.
Although all the Prophet's (PBUH) Companions at that time were inclined to asceticism and devoutness, yet Ibn Madh'uun had a certain strategy in that respect, for he was so remarkably absorbed in his asceticism and devoutness that he turned his life, day and night, into a perpetual blessed prayer and a sweet long glorification. No sooner had he sipped the sweetness of the engrossement in worship than he hastened to abandon all the enticing luxury and splendor of life. Therefore, he wore nothing but coarse clothes and ate nothing but coarse food.
One day, he walked into the mosque in which the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions were sitting, and he had on a faded, worn-out garment that was patched with a piece of fur. As soon as the Prophet (PBUH) saw him, he sympathized with him, and the Companions' eyes were filled with tears, yet the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Would you like it if you were rich enough to have as many garments as you like and as much food as you like? Would you like your upholstery to be as expensive as the clothes used in covering the Ka'bah." The Companions answered, "We would indeed! We would like to live in luxury surrounded by the splendors of life." The Prophet (PBUH) commented, "You will be wealthy, but you are today far better in your piety and devoutness than you will when you are wealthy." Naturally, when Ibn Madh'uun heard the Prophet's words, he clung more and more to his austere and coarse life. He went so far as to renounce sexual intercourse with his wife, yet when the Prophet (PBUH) heard about this exaggerated attitude, he summoned him and said, "Your wife has the right to have sexual intercourse with you."
The Prophet (PBUH) loved him dearly. When his pure spirit was embarking on its journey towards Heaven, the Prophet (PBUH) was next to him, paying his last farewell to the first Muhaajir to die in Al-Madiinah and the first to be raised to Paradise. He leaned to kiss his forehead and his amiable eyes flowed with tears that wet `Uthmaan's face, which looked remarkably graceful. The Prophet (PBUH) paid his last farewell to his beloved Companion by saying, "Allah bestow His mercy on you, Abu As-Saa'ib. You are now leaving life that was not able to seduce or mislead you."
The revered Prophet (PBUH) did not forget his Companion after his death; on the contrary, he often mentioned and praised him. For instance, his very last words to his daughter Ruqaiyah on her deathbed were, "Go on, follow in the pious and devout `Uthmaan Ibn Madh'uun's footsteps up to Paradise."
* Extracted from the book "Men around the messenger"
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