Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

30 April 2013

A poem which made Ahmed ibn Hanbal cry

Abu Hamid Al-Khulqani said: I asked Ahmed ibn Hanbal (Rahimahullah):  "O Abu Abdullah, Here is a poem which mentions Paradise and Hell? What do you say about these". He asked, "Like what?" He said, "It says:

إذا ما قال لي ربي
 أما استحييت تعصيني
وتخفي الذنب عن خلقي
 وبالعصيان تأتيني

"When my Lord asks me,
Are you not ashamed to disobey Me?
And you hide your sins from My creation,
And with disobedience (sins) you come to Me"" 

Ahmad said, "Read it to me again", so he did. Then Ahmad went into his house and closed the door. Then Abu Hamid said, “I could hear him from inside the house weeping and reciting :

إذا ما قال لي ربي
 أما استحييت تعصيني
وتخفي الذنب عن خلقي
 وبالعصيان تأتيني

"When my Lord asks me,
Are you not ashamed to disobey Me?
You hide your sins from My creation,
And with disobedience (sins) you come to Me""

07 January 2013

How the donkey of a scholar slips into mud

The great scholar Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak used to rebuke the scholars who were found at the doors of the Rulers as more often than not, who sold their religion and their knowledge for mere temporary gain, honor or praise. He would also see it to be unbefitting when a scholar accepted a position of authority from the Rulers as this could also lead to the scholar's downfall and demise in this world. One example of this is when it was said to Ibn al-Mubarak, that 'Isma'il ibn ‘Aliya has been made a Judge.' So Ibn al-Mubarak wrote to him the following lines of poetry: 

يا جاعل العلم له بازيا *** يصطاد أموال المساآين

O you who made his knowledge to be a falcon
With which he seizes the wealth of the poor!

احتلت للدنيا ولذاتها *** بحيلة تذهب بالدين

You have taken on the world and its delights
With a scheme that does away with religion!

فصرت مجنونا بها بعدما *** آنت دواء للمجانين

And so you have become a mad one
After having being a cure for the mad ones

أين رواياتك في سردها *** عن ابن عون وابن سيرين

Where are your recorded narrations
From Ibn 'Awn and Ibn Sireen?

أين رواياتك فيما مضى *** في ترك أبواب السلاطين

Where are your narrations in the past
About abandoning the doors of the Rulers?

إن قلت أآرهت فما هكذا *** زل حمار الشيخ في الطين

If you say that you've been forced (into judgment)
Then that's not how the donkey of a scholar slips into mud

Source: The biography of Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak compiled by Farhiya Yahya

14 December 2012

Do not cry for me

لا تـبكني أمـاه وابـك بلوعة ديـناً جـريحاً ما عليه بــواكيا
Do not cry for me, Mother, rather cry heavily [instead] * for a wounded religion no one is crying for
ما كنت يومـا رغم حبسي جاثيا فـلأجل ربـي أسـتطيب عذابيا
Never in spite of my imprisonment did I kneel * and for the sake of my Lord I shall enjoy this punishment
أمـاه إن خـط القـضاء منيتي بـدم تحـرر فـاصبري لمصـابيا
O Mother, if my death has been decreed * then be patient for my tribulation
لله قـد قدمت روحـي راغبـا ثـمنـا ليبقى أصـل ديـني عاليا
I have willfully given my soul to Allah. * A small price to pay for my religion to remain high
وقحـمت أسـباب المنايا حاملا بيـدي لنـصرة دعـوتي أكفـانيا
I crossed the pathway of death, carrying * in my hands my Kaffan hoping to bring victory to my Religion
فالمـوت لا يـريع نفسـاً حرةً قهـرت خطوباً قـد عصفن عواتيا
For Death does not scare a free soul * [A soul] which has overcome trials coming forth as violent winds
والقيد ليس بمـوهن لي هـمتي والسجن ليـس بمحبطٍ آمــاليا
Handcuffs will not lower my determination * Neither will this prison lower my hopes
يا أمّ لا تبـكي لحبسي دمعـةً وابكي لـدينٍ ما علـيه بواكيـا
[So], Mother, do not shed tears for my captivity * And weep instead for this Religion which no one is weeping for
فالسجن خير من حيـاة مذلـةٍ وأنا لـربي قـد نذرت حياتيـا
For Prison is better than a life of disgrace. * And for my Lord, I vowed my life
أنا لست أركعُ رغبةً في لقمـةٍ أو أشتكي سـوطاً يُعربد عاتيـا
I am not one to bow down for a loaf [of bread] * or one to complain of the whip tearing my shoulders
فالسجن ليس بضائري إن ضمّني والقيد ليـس معجـلاً أكفانيـا
For Prison is not going to harm me when it embraces me * And these chains will not bring my death any sooner
والسجن ليس بحابسٍ لي دعـوتي والقيد ليـس بمطفـئ أنواريـا
This prison is not going to hold back my Message * and these shackles are not going to dim my Lights
أنا هـاهنا حر برغم سلاسـلي ورنينها يشـجي ربوع فؤاديـا
I am here free, in spite of my chains * and its sounds bring life to my heart
أنا هـاهنـا عزّي هنا حريـتي فالعز قيدي والشموخ جراحيـا
Over here I find my dignity, over here I find my freedom * Dignity [can be seen] in my shackles, and determination [can be seen] in my wounds
سأقول للسجن الذي قد ضمني اشدد قيودك لا تفـك وثاقيـا
I will tell this prison which has embraced me * Tighten your bonds, and do not let untie my chains
أنا هـاهنا حـر ودون قيودنـا شـعبٌ يُطأطئ للخيانة جاثيـا
I am here free, and away from these chains * is a nation which has lowered its head kneeling for Treachery
يا سجن إنّي قد عشقتُ سلاسلي هذي السلاسل والقيود سلاحيا
O Prison, I have fallen in love with these chains * these chains and bonds are my weapons [and source of strength]
يا سـجن إنـّي قد ألفتُ زنازني هـذي الزنازن والظلامُ ردائيـا
O Prison, I have gotten used to this jail cell. * This cell and its darkness are my cover and clothing
أنا في قيودك شامـخٌ في عـزتي والحرُ يخنع خلف سورك راضيـا
I am in your chains steadfast with my dignity * and those “free” outside your walls are happy in their disgrace
قد حددوا عيشي على قضبانـهم وبظـلِ قيدك مولدي ووفاتيـا
They restricted my life between these bars * and within the shadows of these chains is by birth and death
وعلى جدارك قد خططت ملاحمي حفراً بظفري والـمداد دمائيـا
On your walls I have recorded my struggles * with my nails I have carved it, and my blood I used as ink
بدمي خططت براءتي من كفرهم ولأجل ذا ضـاقت عليّ بلاديـا
With my blood I have written my dissociation from their Kufr * And for that reason my own country have narrowed and closed in on me
يا أمّ مـالك تذرفـين الدمع لا لا تفعلي أفديـك أمـاً حانيـة
O Mother, do not shed these tears over me, don’t * May I be scarified for you, what a kind loving mother you are
يا أمّ لا تبكـي لقيدي واصبري فالفجـر يشرق عن قريبٍ آتيـا
O Mother do not cry because of my shackles and be patient * Since Dawn will soon come bringing forth its light
والكفر مندحـرٌ بإثْر جيوشهم والنور من ديني يُشـعشع زاهيـا
Disbelief will soon disintegrate with its armies * And the light from my Religion [will remain] brightly shining
والحـقّ منتصرٌ برغم سجونـهم والقيد منكسـرٌ وديـني عاليـا
And the Truth will prevail, in spite of their jails * And the cuffs would soon break, and my Religion will remain high

أبو محمدالمقدسي – رمضان 1417- سجن سواقة في الاردن
Abu Muhummad al-Maqdisi, Ramadaan 1417, Swaqa Prison, Jordan

27 November 2012

From within a hostile land

A Poem by Brother Tarek Mahenna

Halfway around the planet from the holy desert sands,
Upon which God’s final Prophet built with his hands,
A refuge for the believers, a Madinah so grand,
I grant you these words from within a hostile land,
To get you to understand that it was planned,
To imprison a small band,
Of young men upon the Truth who found their understanding outlawed and banned,
Remanded to the custody of injustice’s American brand,
Branded for life because of a way of life passed down from Negroes of sand,
Slave masters and house Negroes conspiring to stop a force unstoppable,
Inhospitable to the proposals of RAND,
I am hostile,
To any who would revile,
The Truth even if they smile,
In my face all the while,
Yes, I live my life by the Book,
So, don’t give me that look,
You crooks,
It is you who took,
From humanity its freedom to let its soul fly,
To its sole Creator,
In Whose eyes this capitalistic, materialistic prison of a world isn’t worth the wing of a fly,
So, we wait in this prison like knights without horses,
Weeping on the nights that we recite His verses,
Or hear it,
Serious and bearded,
No one had to force us,
We just read ancient texts and decided to join forces,
With the Prophet and his Companions,
To accompany their fight,
To become companions of the Right,
Right to Heaven we hope to go and avoid Hellfire’s fright,
To Hell with the enemies who frighten us with shackles and chains,
Who go to great pains to keep us in pain,
All in vain,
Because our veins flow with blood,
That is worth less to us than the Pleasure of the Lord who created them from mud,
Their tears flow: “Why? Why won’t he submit to our manmade gods?” they furiously ask,
As I throw mud in their faces, lean back, and laugh…

- Tariq Mehanna, Ramadan 5 1433
(July 24, 2012)

(May Allah release him)

14 March 2012

Imam Shafi`i on his death bed

Imam Shafi`i on his death-bed was asked by Al Muzni "What is your condition?"

Then Imam Shafi' (رحمه الله) replied,

"I am journeying from this world, and departing from my brothers, drinking from the cup of death, and upon Allah, Exalted is His remembrance, arriving. And no! By Allah, I do not know if my soul is travelling towards Paradise or the Fire!"

Imam Shafi' (رحمه الله) then began to cry profusely and recited the following;

'To You, the Creator, I raise my longing,
And even if I am, O possessor of kindness and generosity, an evildoer, a criminal

When my heart became constricted and my paths became narrow,
I took my hope in Your pardon and forgiveness as an opening and an escape

My sins seemed very great to me but when I compared them to Your forgiveness,
I found Your forgiveness to be much greater

You are and still remain the only One who can forgive sins,
You grant and forgive out of Your benevolence and generosity

Were it not for You, then a servant could never defy Iblis
And how can that be when he mislead Your friend Adam

If only I knew! Will I arrive at Paradise that I may take delight
Or at Hellfire, that I may regret?

How capable is Allah! For the one acquainted with lament,
blood almost flows from his eyelids due to the excess of his emotions (lament)

He stands when the night extends out its darkness
Stands against himself out of extreme fear, sinful

Eloquent when he makes mention of his Lord
And in the mention of others than Him, he is speechless

He remembers days gone by of his youth
And what was in it of ignorance, he was a criminal

And so for the whole of his day, the companion of grief has become
the brother of sleeplessness and secret conversation when the night darkens

He says, 'My beloved, You are what I request and desire
You are enough of a longing and benefit for those who have hope

Are You not the One who has provided for me and guided me
And You have not ceased being gracious to me and full of favours

Perhaps the Beneficent One will forgive my mistakes
And cover up my crime and what has gone forth

My sins seemed very great to me, so I turned (to You) in humility
Were it not for my contentment in you, I wouldn't, O my Lord, have seen any comfort at all

So if You forgive me, You would have forgiven a sinner,
A rebellious, oppressive tyrant still sinning

So if You were to seek revenge from me, I would not despair
Even if they entered my soul into Jahannum, due to the sins

For my crimes are great, past and present
But Your forgiveness comes to the servant, more exalted and more great

The bounty of Allaah surrounds me from all sides
And Light from the Most Merciful has spread in the sky

And in the heart is the radiance of the beloved when he is reunited
And when glad tidings draw close, it becomes feverish

Exhilaration surrounds me, only for Allaah
It overlooks me in the darkness of the grave, apparent and clear

I protect my love, lest my desires should pollute it
And I preserve the contract of love, lest it be defiled

In my wakefulness is yearning and in my slumber is destiny
That's pursuing my footsteps in ecstasy

Whoever holds fast to Allaah, he is protected from men
And whoever hopes for Him, then never will he regret..

06 March 2012

The Keys to Our Dream

A Poem by Tarek Mahenna

I walked by our dream and was saddened to find
Tears filling her eyes with a look quite resigned.
She sat in the jail where we left her behind
Trapped behind the bars of a colonized mind.

I stood and wondered how I could set her free
So I asked if she knew where they’d hidden the key.
She wiped away tears and looked over at me
With pity that I assumed it would be so easy!

She said: “Buried inside pages of distant past
With a heritage of lions, so rich and so vast
You’ll find the key with Sumayyah, when to faith she held fast
As they speared her chastity, and she breathed her last.

And it’s the finger of Bilal, the heroic black slave,
The sign of Tawhid that in their faces he’d wave
As he lay tied down in a hot desert grave
Their harming of him made him all the more brave.

And it’s the pledge of ‘Ikrimah, enemy turned warrior
Who changed his life to make the truth superior.
Khalid himself could not hold him back from more
When his pledge at Yarmuk left the Romans so sore.

It is the back with shredded flesh and torn skin
Of Ahmad bin Hambal, who refused to give in.
He answered their whips with the truth and a grin
To protect our religion, he would not let them win.

And it is the bittersweet dust of the land of Hittin,
That once engulfed the knights of Salah ad-Din
From the filth of dishonor, he made that dust clean
And for the respect of the world did he set the scene.

It was the rope around the neck of the desert’s lion
‘Umar Mukhatar, who would bow down to no Italian.
Refusing to live in a state of humiliation
His chin high to the end, with no fear of the Creation.

The rope was passed on to Sayyid’s waiting head
With one last chance for him to be spared from this dread.
And from the choicest fruits, they promised he would be fed
But his index finger led him to another door instead.

The same finger that pointed up as Malcolm X lay still
Ending a life of honor, that was one struggle uphill.
He left a life of crime, transforming himself until
He spoke bitter truth with eloquence and skill…”

She sat in the jail where we left her behind
Indeed this key will be difficult to find
But it is you if you refuse to be blind
And decide to free yourself from the colonized mind.

27th of Dhu al-Hijjah 1430
(14th of December 2009)
In the hours before Fajr; in the traces of the pale floodlights shining into my cell.
Plymouth County Correctional Facility, Isolation Unit.

09 February 2012

O Prisoner

By Ali al-Timimi

Be patient O prisoner
Think not of what lies behind that door

Because you are the rain that gives life to the barren
Because you are the sun that flowers yearn for

Go forth despite your shackles
Nothing holds your spirit at bay

By sabr and yaqin, Allah made you
A leader despite the boulders in your way

You are defiant, and you are like
A brilliant star guiding the multitude

Your truthful words burn every accursed rebel
A shining blaze in an era of servitude

You are the bold one leading falcons
Perverse crows mock you with false portrayal

Their black lies did cast you
In the prison of betrayal

I know that you’re tired
But forget not your bargain

Leave cowardly hyenas to laugh and play
For you are a brave lion

I know that you’re exhausted
The evil one whispers “no longer can you cope”

Remain firm, O servant of Allah
For you are the great hopes

I know that you’re weak
Dizzy, wanting to swoon

Night envelops the world with its darkness
But you are the shining moon

I know that you’re confident
O favoured son of the nation

You never doubted Allah’s promise
That victory is for the patient

We are surrounded by the petty
Whose only goal is to eat, drink and mate

But you in your solitude
Are with the Most High, the Great

So rejoice in your prison
Let others sink in the worlds mire

Continue to speak words of truth
A devastating sword on every arrogant denier

You display determination
In following the straightest of ways

You keep watch at every mountain pass
While the petty only sleep in haze

Time has stopped in front of your prison
Your nights and days are of constant motion

Heaven and earth will sleep at your passing
Amazed at your sincere devotion

You are the boldest
Because Allah made you cling to the pious word, the firmest.

17 December 2011

The reality of our existance

Al-Asma'i reported that the ruler ar-Rashid once ordered for many delicacies to be prepared for him. He wanted to have a party for himself, so he had a hall decorated for him and invited the famous poet Abul-'Ataahiyyah.

When the party began, ar-Rashid looked at Abul-'Ataahiyah and said, "Describe the pleasures of the world that we are enjoying."

Abul-'Ataahiyyah began:
"Live in comfort as long as you please
Under the shades of high and wonderful castles"

"Wonderful, wonderful. Please continue," said ar-Rashid.
Abul-'Ataahiyyah continued,

"All that you desire is brought to you
Quickly, both in the morning and in the evening"

"Wonderful, wonderful," chimed in ar-Rashid. "Please continue."

He resumed thus:
"Then when the souls are parting
Through the breast with a croaking sound
It is then that one comes to know
I have lived nothing but a life of deception"

Ar-Rashid began to weep profusely, and some of those present looked reproachfully at Abul-'Ataahiyyah and said, "The Leader of the believers has invited you to make him happy, yet all that you have succeded in doing is making him sad!"

"Leave him alone," said ar-Rashid. "He simply noticed that we were in a state of blindness, and disliked adding to it with even more blindness."

Source: Stories of repentance by Muhammad Abduh Mughawiri

29 September 2011

Ibn al-Mubarak's letter to Fudayl ibn Iyad (Ya 'Abid Al Haramayn)

It is reported that when in Tarsus, Ibn al-Mubarak wrote a letter to his friend al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyadh (who was known for his worship in Makkah and Madinah), encouraging him to partake in Jihad and not to be satisfied with simply worshiping Allah in the mosques. Ibn Abi Sukaynah said, 'In Tarsus in the year 177 AH, Ibn al-Mubarak gave me a letter with the following verses. I bid farewell to him and went to deliver it to al-Fudhayl ibn 'Iyadh:

O Worshipper of the Two Holy Masjids

يا عابد الحرمين لو ابصرتنا

لعلمت انك في العبادة تلعب

من كان يخضب خده بدموعه

فنحورنا بدمائنا تتخضب

أو كان يتعب خيله في باطل

فخيولنا يوم الصبيحة تتعب

ريح العبير لكم ونحن عبيرنا

رهج السنابك والغبار الأطيب

ولقد اتانا من مقال نبينا

قول صحيح صادق لا يكذب

لا يستوي غبار خيل الله في

أنف امرئ ودخان نار تلهب

هذا كتاب الله يحكم بيننا

ليس الشهيد بميت لا يكذب

O Worshiper of the Two Holy Masjids!
Had you witnessed us in the battlefield
You would have known that, compared to our Jihad,
Your worship is child's play.
For every tear you have shed upon your cheek,
We have shed in its place, blood upon our chests.
You are playing with your worship,
While worshipers offer your worship
Mujahideen offer their blood and person (life).
The smell of nice perfume of is for you,
And our perfume is the dust and dirt (which is more pure),
And it has reached us from the sayings of our Prophet,
The martyr is not dead,
This is a true correct saying, in which there is no lie.
The dust of the people of Allah is never equal,
To a thousand men, whilst the smoke is climbing.
This is the book of Allah between us,
The martyr is not dead - and this is no lie

Ibn Abi Sukaynah said, 'So I met al-Fudhayl in the Haram (Makkah) with the letter and when he read it, tears came to his eyes and he said, 'Indeed, Abu Abdur-Rahman (Ibn al-Mubarak) has told the truth and he has certainly advised (me).

Source: The Life of ‘Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak The scholar of the East and the scholar of the West Compiled by Farhia Yahya Based on the book 'Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak, al-Imam al-Qudwah' By Muhammad 'Uthman Jamal
To download this book click here

To listen to the audio click here

16 May 2011

Whispers of the night

By Sheikh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq

I pounded on the door of mecy as the world slept
and humbling myself before my Creator I wept

Hands raised high and head bowed I knelt
and dejectedly began to lament what I felt

With a torn heart I gave a tongue to my woes and fears
and in great anguish and sorrow I let flow my tears

with a poignant emotions raging in me so fierce
I hoped that my prayers would the heavens pierce

Oh Maker of my destiny, Master of my fate I cried
Thou art the only refuge and succor for one so tried

'Tis before Thee alone that I bemoan
Sufferings of mine only to thee known

Pains and torments that I can no longer bear
Hopes and wishes I can entrust only to Thy care

For 'Tis only the ocean of Thine infinite bounty that sustains all
and only Thy Forgiveness that restores those who fall

'Tis to thee alone Oh benevolent that I extend my hands in plea
To whom besides Thee can this wretched soul flee

Forgive my sins and grant me my desires Oh Almighty
Reject me not, for nothing can redeem me save me Thy Mercy

06 March 2011

Fear only Allah

Poem by Ibn al-Qayyim

Openly proclaim what Allah commanded, and don’t fear the worthless instead of Allah
And fear only Him, and you will succeed in safety;
And give victory to the Book of Allah and the traditions
That came from the one sent with the Qur’an;
And strike every denier with the sword of Revelation
Just like the Mujahid would strike over the fingertips;
And carry on with truthful zeal
The way of the sincere and brave who are dedicated to Allah;
And remain firm with patience under the banner of guidance
And if you are harmed in the process, it is for
the Pleasure of the Merciful;
And make the Book of Allah and authentic traditions your weapons
And strengthen your soul;
Who will fight and present himself
Or compete on the fields?
Openly preach what the Messenger came with
And do not fear the lack of helpers;
As Allah will give victory to His Religion and Book
And Allah is sufficient to protect His slave;
And do not fear the plots of the enemy
As they only fight using lies and falsehood;
The soldiers of the Messenger’s followers are Angels
And their soldiers are the army of Satan;
What a difference there is between the two groups
Whoever is confused should just compare them both;
Be firm and fight under the banner of guidance
And be patient, as the victory of Allah, your Lord, is near;
As Allah will give victory to His Religion and Book
And His Messenger with knowledge and authority;
And truth is a pillar that none can demolish
Even if everyone gathered to do so;
And if your opponents become many and overwhelm you
Stay firm, as their power is like smoke;
It rises up and afterward
Is blown away to where the eye cannot see;
Do not fear their large numbers, as they are worthless and like flies
Would you fear a fly?
And do not be pleased with the leadership of the cow
Whose leaders are themselves oxen;
And if they intend, they will come against you
So, do not act shocked or cowardly if they do so;
And remain firm and do not carry on without support
As this is not praiseworthy with the brave;
Even though the group of Allah fights with their righteous actions
Not a battalion of the brave;
By Allah, they did not conquer lands due to their numbers
Their numbers were not noticeable;
So, if you see the group of Islam
With its cavalry side by side with those in authority;
In such a case, enter their ranks
And do not be lazy or fluttered;
The truth will be aided and tested
So, do not be surprised, as this is the pattern of the Merciful;
This is how His group will be distinguished from His enemies
And this is why the people are two groups;
And this is why the Messengers fought the disbelievers
Since this rag-tag group first existed;
However, the good end will be for the people of truth
If it doesn’t come here, it will come later from the Rewarder

Source: "..So, Do not fear them" by By Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi

31 January 2011

"Remorse when ill" a character of the Pious predecessors

by Sheikh Ahmed Fareed

From the morals and manners of the Salaf was that they would keep their bodies aloof from their body whenever they were sick, with the lingering possibility that their ill was an exit from life to death, unable to repent nor satisfy the unfulfilled rights. Journeying toward the afterlife as sinners, like a slave who has escaped from his master after frequent disobedience in turn to be captured from all sides and returned to his master.

Some people visited Utbah Al-Ghulam at his death bed and asked him, "How do you find yourself?" So he recited the following poetry.

"I have slipped out of the world, my day of judgement has come
In the morning my bearers of my funeral will be few
In a hurry my family dig my grave to make
My leaving and my rush to it as an honor to me
As if my face they had never known
In the morning my day comes as night"

When death came to Ibrahim Nakha'ee he wept. On being asked the reason he replied "I am waiting for a messenger to come from my Lord to welcome me to the Paradise or hell fire".

Dear brother reflect over your soul and know that you are constantly at the verge of death as you don't even own your next breath of air. Increase in asking through out the night and at the ends of the day and Allah will be our Guardian, yours and mine in guidance, and the One Who will grant to us the ways to His Mercy.

Source: From the characteristics of the Salaf by Sheikh Ahmed Fareed

10 July 2010

Lessons about death from Arabic poetry

A poet once said:
"Nothing of what you see will keep its beauty.
Allah will remain whilst wealth and children will pass away.
The treasure of Hormuz was no help for him,
And 'Aad tried to live forever, but they failed.
Sulaymaan did not live forever,
Although the wind was subjugated to him,
As were men and jinn, who paraded before him.
Where are the kings in whose honor
Delegations came from all directions?
Like a trough from which all and sundry come and drink,
One day we too shall drink from it, just as they did."

Another poet said:
"We walk the steps which are written for us.
Whoever is decreed to walk certain steps will do so.
Our provision is scattered,
So if a person's provision does not come to him, he will go and get it.
Whoever is decreed to die in a certain land,
Will never die in any other land."

Another poet said:
"If you put in charge of some people one night,
Know that you will subsequently be responsible.
If you carry a person in his grave,
Know that one day you too will be carried."

Another Poet said:
"Take provisions from this world, for you never know
When night comes, will you live until morning?
How often has a bride been adorned for her husband,
When it has been decreed on Laylat al-Qadr that their souls will be taken that year?
How often has a young man hoped for a long life,
Then his soul has entered the darkness of the grave?
How many healthy people have died without illness,
And how many chronically sick people have lived for years?
How often young people have spent day and night in play,
When their shrouds have already been prepared for them, but they do not know?
How many of those who started the day dwelling in palaces,
Have ended up dwelling in the tomb by night fall?
Be sincere, and always do good,
Maybe you will earn the reward.
Always fear Allah because
That will be your protection from the horrors in the place of gathering."