by Sheikh Ahmed Fareed
Some people visited Utbah Al-Ghulam at his death bed and asked him, "How do you find yourself?" So he recited the following poetry.
"I have slipped out of the world, my day of judgement has come
In the morning my bearers of my funeral will be few
In a hurry my family dig my grave to make
My leaving and my rush to it as an honor to me
As if my face they had never known
In the morning my day comes as night"
When death came to Ibrahim Nakha'ee he wept. On being asked the reason he replied "I am waiting for a messenger to come from my Lord to welcome me to the Paradise or hell fire".
Dear brother reflect over your soul and know that you are constantly at the verge of death as you don't even own your next breath of air. Increase in asking through out the night and at the ends of the day and Allah will be our Guardian, yours and mine in guidance, and the One Who will grant to us the ways to His Mercy.
Source: From the characteristics of the Salaf by Sheikh Ahmed Fareed
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