A poet once said:
"Nothing of what you see will keep its beauty.
Allah will remain whilst wealth and children will pass away.
The treasure of Hormuz was no help for him,
And 'Aad tried to live forever, but they failed.
Sulaymaan did not live forever,
Although the wind was subjugated to him,
As were men and jinn, who paraded before him.
Where are the kings in whose honor
Delegations came from all directions?
Like a trough from which all and sundry come and drink,
One day we too shall drink from it, just as they did."
Another poet said:
"We walk the steps which are written for us.
Whoever is decreed to walk certain steps will do so.
Our provision is scattered,
So if a person's provision does not come to him, he will go and get it.
Whoever is decreed to die in a certain land,
Will never die in any other land."
Another poet said:
"If you put in charge of some people one night,
Know that you will subsequently be responsible.
If you carry a person in his grave,
Know that one day you too will be carried."
Another Poet said:
"Take provisions from this world, for you never know
When night comes, will you live until morning?
How often has a bride been adorned for her husband,
When it has been decreed on Laylat al-Qadr that their souls will be taken that year?
How often has a young man hoped for a long life,
Then his soul has entered the darkness of the grave?
How many healthy people have died without illness,
And how many chronically sick people have lived for years?
How often young people have spent day and night in play,
When their shrouds have already been prepared for them, but they do not know?
How many of those who started the day dwelling in palaces,
Have ended up dwelling in the tomb by night fall?
Be sincere, and always do good,
Maybe you will earn the reward.
Always fear Allah because
That will be your protection from the horrors in the place of gathering."
Another poet said
"Suppose that worldly joys come to you easily,
Will you not eventually depart from them?
Your life in this world is like shade
That covers you briefly , then disappears."
Another Poet said
"O you who feel so settles in this world,
after this ease will come a very hard day.
Death bring agony so watch for that.
No doctor could help you when that begins.
How much you delay until you become a prisoner (of your sin)
Then comes the call(of death) and you answer.
Remember the day you will be brought to account.
The one who remembers death should turn back to Allah.
There is no moment of your life
When death is not watching and waiting.
Everyday it aims an arrow at you,
If it misses you one day, soon it will hit you,"
Another poet said
"Everyday, death is preparing the shroud,
But we are unaware of what is going to happen to us.
Do not be content with this world and its joys,
Even though it may adorn it self with its finery.
Where are our loved one and neighbors,what did they do?
Where are those with whom we used to feel happy?
Death gave them a bitter cup to drink,
And kept them prisoners underground."
Another poet said
Repent sincerely
Before death comes and your tongue cannot speak.
Hasten to do this before death comes, for it
Is provision and booty for the one who turns back to Allah and does good."
Source: From the book "The minor resurrection" by Umar S. al- Ashqar
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