After the great general Oqba bin Nafe conquered the entire territory of Morocco he arrived at the coast of the Atlantic ocean. Having reached the coast he ran his horse into the sea and said,
"O Allah! Had the sea not intervened in my way I would have gone on fighting in your way until the end of the earth".[1]
The great Sahaba Abu Dujana (RadiyAllahu anhu) was a man of courage who used to swagger at war. He had a red band which he wore round his head. Whenever he was head-banded everybody knew that he was determined to fight to death.[2]
In the battle of Qadisiyah the great general of the tribe of Asad , Talihah called out to his men
“Advance o youth of banu Asad, S’ad bin Abi Waggas (RadiyAllahu anhu)has called you acknowledging your greatness. Today is a test of your military experience and courage; get ready to sacrifice your lives for the glory of Islam and to confound the enemy. Move forward and clash with the mountainous looking elephants. With a kick from your feet even mountains have known to crumble”.[3]
On the battle of Uhud Amr Ibn Al-Jamuh(RadiyAllahu anhu) bade farewell to his wife, turned to the qiblah and prayed: "O Lord, grant me martyrdom and don't send me back to my family with my hopes dashed." As the battle raged, Amr could be seen moving in the front ranks, jumping on his good leg (his other leg was partially lame), and shouting, "I desire Paradise, I desire Paradise." Within moments he was martyred with his son.[4]
When S’ad bin Waggas(RadiyAllahu anhu) knew his death was near, he asked his son to open a box in which he had kept a course woolen jubbah and said:"Shroud me in this, for in this (jubbah) I met the Mushrikin on the day of Badr and in it I desire to meet Allah Almighty."[5]
After burning all the ships that carried his soldiers to the Iberian peninsula, Tariq ibn Ziyad said ”O people where is the fight? The sea is behind you, and the enemy is in front of you. By Allah you have no alternative except patience and steadfastness” He is the famous general who led the Muslim army and conquered Spain.[6]
After Ain at-Tamr, when Ayadh wrote to Khalid bin Waleed(RadiyAllahu anhu) requesting reinforcements, Khalid wrote back,"Wait a while: there will come to you mounts Carrying lions in shining armour, Battalions followed by battalions."[7]
When meeting the Persian army Sa’d bin Waggas(RadiyAllahu anhu) sent an epistle to the Persian commander which read "Rustam! There are people with me to whom death (in the path of Allah) is more attractive than is wine to the people in your army."[8]
In the battle of Yamamah, Zayd ibn alKhattab (RadiyAllahu anhu) called out to the muslims
"Men, bite with your jaw teeth, strike the enemy and press on. By God, I shall not speak to you after this until either Musaylamah is defeated or I meet God."
He then charged against the enemy and continued fighting until he was killed.[9]
[1] The history of Islam by Akbar shah najjebadi
[2] Ar Raheeq Al Makhtum
[3] Commanders of the Muslim army by Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar
[4] Companions of the Prophet by AbdulWahid Hamid
[5] Companions of the prophet by AbdulWahid Hamid
[6] The Breath of Perfumes by Al Maggari
[7] Khalid bin Waleed the sword of Allah by Lieutenant-General A.I. Akram
[8] Stories of Sahaba by Muhammad Zakariyya Kaandhlawi
[9] Companions of the Prophet by AbdulWahid Hamid
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