These are selected narrations from the first book to ever be written/compiled about the topic of Jihad. It was authored by the noble imam, ‘Abdullah bin al-Mubarak around 170 years after the Hijrah.
He was of the most well-known and knowledgeable of the Tabi’in. Above that, he was of the scholars who acted upon their words, as he spent most of his life on the frontlines guarding the Muslim lands against the Romans. He would alternate between making Hajj one year and battling the enemy the next. Just to get an idea of his character, check out the following narration from ‘Abduh bin Sulayman:
“We were on an expedition with Ibn al-Mubarak in the lands of the Romans, so the enemy approached us. When the two armies met, a man from the enemy came out and called for a duel, so a man from the Muslims came out and killed him. Then, a man from the enemy came out and killed him and called for another duel. So, a man from the Muslims came out with his face covered with his shirt and duelled with him for an hour or so, finally striking him and killing him. The people came to see who he was, so I went up and pulled the cloth from his face and saw that he was ‘Abdullah bin al-Mubarak.”
['Tarikh Baghdad'; 1/167]
So – by the Permission of Allah – here are some selected authentic narrations from this book that he compiled, ‘Kitab al-Jihad’ - the first of its kind ever authored about the topic.
2 – Abu Salih al-Madani narrated:
“A group of the Companions said: “If only we knew which actions were the best and most beloved to Allah.” So, the verse was revealed: {“O You who believe! Shall I guide you to a commerce that will save you from a painful torment? That you believe in Allah and His Messenger, and that you strive hard and fight in the Path of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That will be better for you, if only you knew!”} [as-Saff; 10-11]
So, they became averse to this. Then, the following verse was revealed: {“O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do. Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His Path in rows as if they were a solid structure.”} [as-Saff; 2-4]
6 - Abu ad-Darda’ said: “Being killed in the Path of Allah washes your filth from you. Being killed in such a way does two things: expiates your sins and raises your rank.”
7 - ‘Utbah bin ‘Abd as-Sulami narrated that the Prophet said:
“Those who are killed in the Path of Allah are of three types: a believer who who strives with his life and his wealth in the Path of Allah until he meets the enemy and fought them until he was killed, and this is the martyr who is pure, and he is in an encampment of Allah underneath His Throne, and the Prophets are not better than him except on account of their Prophethood. The second is a man who had fallen into sins and mistakes who fought with his life and his wealth in the Path of Allah until he met the enemy and fought them till he was killed. This is a martyr who has become purified, as his sins and mistakes were wiped away, and the sword wipes away one’s sins. He will be entered into any of the gates of Paradise that he pleases, and Paradise has eight gates, while Hell has seven gates, all of them placed one on top of the other. The last is a hypocrite who fought with his life and his wealth in the Path of Allah until he met the enemy and fought them till he was killed. He will be in Hell, as the sword does not wipe away hypocrisy.”
14 - al-Hasan al-Basri narrated:
“The Prophet sent out an army including ‘Abdullah bin Rawahah, so they went forth and attacked in the morning. ‘Abdullah, however, stayed to perform his prayers with the Messenger of Allah. When the prayer was over, the Messenger of Allah said to him: “O Ibn Rawahah! Are you not part of this army?” He replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah, but I loved that I stay and pray with you, but I know the position of this army, and I will go catch up to them now.” So, the Prophet said: “By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, if you spent all the wealth on the Earth, you would not be able to attain the virtue of their expedition.”“
21 - ‘Abdullah bin ‘Ubayd bin ‘Umayr al-Laythi (a trustworthy Tabi’i) said:
“When the two armies meet, Allah sends down the Hur al-’Ayn to our sky, so if they see a man advancing towards the enemy, they say: “O Allah! Keep him firm!” and if they see him retreat, they cover their faces from him out of shyness, and if he is killed, they descend to him and wipe the dust from his face, saying: “O Allah, pour dirt upon the one who put dirt on him, and pour dust upon the one who put dust on him.”"
48 – Yahya bin Abi Kathir narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:
“The best martyrs with Allah are those who are at the foremost part of the ranks, but do not turn their faces from the enemy until they are killed. These will rejoice in the highest rooms in Paradise, and their Lord will Laugh to them. Verily, your Lord – if He Laughs to a people – then there is no accounting of deeds for them.”
51 - ‘Abdullah bin ‘Ubayd bin ‘Umayr narrated:
“It was asked: “O Messenger of Allah, which Jihad is the best?” So, the Prophet said: “The one in which one’s horse becomes injured and his blood is spilt.”“
54 – Thabit al-Binani narrated:
“(On the day of Yarmuk), ‘Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl dismounted his horse so that he could fight the Romans, so Khalid bin al-Walid said to him: “Do not continue, for your feats on the battlefield are too difficult for the Muslims to keep up with!” So, ‘Ikrimah said to him: “Leave me, Khalid! You had a past with the Messenger of Allah, and my father and I were of the severest people against the Messenger of Allah!” So, he went forth and fought until he was killed.”
56 – Ibn Abi Mulaykah narrated:
“‘Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl used to press the Mushaf to his face and cry, saying: “The Book of my Lord! The Words of my Lord!”"
59 - Ibn Jurayj narrated:
“Mujahid (the noble Tabi’i) recited the verse: {“Do not think of those who are killed in the Path of Allah as being dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, and they are provided for.”} [Al 'Imran; 169] and said: “They are served from the fruits of Paradise and they smell its scent, even though they are not yet in it.”"