Abu Bakr
said: “Let not any Muslim belittle another Muslim, for the lowest of the
Muslims is great in the Sight of Allah.”
Wahb (bin
al-Munabbih) said: “When Allah Created the Garden of Eden, He looked to it and
said: “You are forbidden for every arrogant person!”“
al-Ahnaf bin
Qays used to sit with Mus’ab bin az-Zubayr on his sleeping mat and talk. One
day, he came to find Mus’ab extending his feet forward, so, he pushed his legs
aside to make room for himself to sit. When he saw the signs of displeasure on
Mus’ab’s face from this, he said: “How strange is the son of Adam! He is
arrogant while he was originated from an organ that transports urine!”
(al-Basri) said: “I wonder at the son of Adam! He uses his hand to wash himself
from his waste once or twice a day, yet he seeks to compete with the
Muhammad bin
al-Husayn bin ‘Ali said: “The heart of a person is never afflicted with the
slightest bit of arrogance except that his intelligence and sanity is decreased
because of that in accordance with how much of that arrogance has entered his
Sulayman was
asked about a bad deed that cannot be wiped away with a good dead, so he
replied: “Arrogance.”
‘Umar bin ‘Abd al-’Aziz went for Hajj before he became the khalifah, and Tawus saw him walking with a slight swing in his walk that he thought looked boastful. So, he went up to ‘Umar and nudged him in his side, saying to him: “Is this the walk of one whose stomach carries waste?”
‘Umar bin ‘Abd al-’Aziz went for Hajj before he became the khalifah, and Tawus saw him walking with a slight swing in his walk that he thought looked boastful. So, he went up to ‘Umar and nudged him in his side, saying to him: “Is this the walk of one whose stomach carries waste?”
Muhammad bin
Wasi’ saw his son acting boastful, so, he called him over and said: “Do you
know who you are? As for your mother, then I purchased her for a mere one
hundred dirhams. As for your father, then may Allah not increase his likes
amongst the Muslims!”
Mutraf bin
‘Abdullah saw al-Muhallab walking in a new overcoat he had bought, looking
pleased with himself. So, he said to him: “O Abu ‘Abdullah! This is a type of
walking that is hated by Allah and His Messenger!” So, al-Muhallab said to him:
“Do you have any idea who I am?” So, Mutraf replied: “I know exactly who you
are: your beginning is in the form of a tiny clot of sperm and egg, and your
end is in the form of a rotten corpse!” So, al-Muhallab abandoned that type of
walking from then on.
'Ulum ad-Din'; 3/400-402]
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