02 March 2014

The Story of Princess of Mongols and the Shaykh

By: Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril

Let me conclude with this story. We mentioned a lot about Hulagu in Ramadhaan, those who were present in the Ramadan Gems, I mentioned who Hulagu was. He was one of the leaders of the Mongols, he massacred the Muslims.

He had a daughter that was walking around in town one time, she saw a man and he had a crowd around him, she asked who is that guy? They told her that is a Shaykh, that is an ‘Aalim, they run the Muslim land. There is a Shaykh there, they were probably asking him questions, she said oh that is a Shaykh? She tried to embarrass him but look, a lot of lessons in this story I do not want get into because we do not have time but you will understand it. The daughter of Hulagu told the Shaykh or ‘Aalim, are you guys not the people that say Allah will make you guys victorious, supreme and inheritors on this land? It is in your Qur’an. That is fake because you are under our rule, I can order any one of my guards to kill you right now.

The Shaykh said, do you know shepherds? When they take their sheep to graze, they take a few dogs. He asked her, what is the purpose of those dogs with the shepherd? Everyone knows the purpose. She said when the sheep run off the herd, the dogs are unleashed and run wild after the sheep to get them back in the herd. He told her, you guys are the dogs; Allah unleashed you after us to get us back in the guidance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Once we get back in the guidance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, you will be tethered by the One who unleashed you.

Deep story, meaning when we come back to Allah, that is when we will become victorious over you.

Source: Yaqeen (Certainty) In Allah سبحانه وتعالى - Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril

Transcribed by: http://opensourceilm.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/yaqeen-in-allah/

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