28 February 2013

A Glimpse at Imam an-Nawawi

By Sheikh Abdullah Azzam

“…It is known that he is from the most knowledgeable of scholars in the history of Islam. I mean, if you were to take the ten most notable scholars of the Muslims throughout history, an-Nawawi would be one of them. He wrote a commentary on ‘Sahih Muslim,’ and he wrote his book ‘al-Majmu” in Fiqh, regarding which Ibn Kathir said: “Nothing was ever written to match its brilliance.” And yes, nothing was ever written like this book.

When you read anything by an-Nawawi, you feel as if you are a plant that is being watered, as he delves deeply into meanings and concepts. Add to this that he abstained from the worldly pleasures, he was a devout worshipper, he would enjoin what was good, and he would forbid what was wrong. He would stand up to the rulers in the peak of their power. One time, the lamp he was using went out, and he lit it with his hand – he continued writing using light that was emanating from his hand!

He came into conflict with Dhahir Baybras, the ruler of Sham and Egypt. Dhahir Baybras requested a fatwa from the scholars that money should be collected in order to prepare an army to fight the Tatars in 658 H. When the Tatars occupied Baghdad and advanced upon Palestine and turned towards Sham, he requested a fatwa while the Tatars were in Palestine that money should be collected to purchase weapons.

Every single scholar issued the fatwa except for an-Nawawi. He said: “I will not provide you with such a fatwa.”

Dhahir asked: “Why not? I want to purchase arms for this struggle, and you refuse to issue a fatwa for it? The entire Ummah and Religion will be exposed to loss.”

He replied: “Because you came to us as a slave who owned nothing, and I see that you now own gardens, servants, slave girls, silver, and gold. So, if you sell all of these things and still need money after that, I will issue the fatwa you seek.”

He said: “Leave Sham.”

And he left and went to a small village in Nawa (his hometown). The scholars came to Dhahir Baybras and said to him: “The scholars of Sham are nothing without Muhi ad-Din an-Nawawi.” He replied: “Bring him back.” They then went to an-Nawawi and said: “Come back, O Muhi ad-Din.” an-Nawawi said: “By Allah, I will not go back while Dhahir is in it,” and Allah fulfilled his oath: Dhahir died a month later, and an-Nawawi returned to Sham.

This is an-Nawawi, the devout worshipper, the scholar, the zahid, the scholar of Usul, Fiqh, and Hadith. Look at the blessing that is in his books…ya Salam! Look at the barakah: his book ‘al-Majmu” has provided much benefit, his book ‘Riyad as-Salihin,’ his book of fortyHadith, his book ‘al-Adhkar’ – you can feel the barakah in his books. No books have been so widely distributed as the books of an-Nawawi…”

['Fi Dhilal Surat at-Tawbah'; p. 67-68]

25 February 2013

Some Hadiths concerning young people

1. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Your Lord is delighted (in the way that suits Him) about a young person who does not have youthful (lustful) desire. (An authentic hadith recorded by Imam Ahmad, at-Tabarani, Abu Yala and Ibn Abi Asim)

2. Allah will give shade to seven on the day when there will be no shade but His. They are: a just ruler; a youth who has been brought up in the worship of Allah sincerely from his childhood; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two people who love each other only for Allah's sake and they meet and part in Allah's cause alone; a man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah; a man who gives charitable gifts so sincerely that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given; and a person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes become flooded with tears. (Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim)

3. Hasan and Husayn will be the chiefs of the young dwellers of paradise. (An authentic hadith recorded Imam Ahmad and at-Tabarani)

4. The dwellers of paradise will be told: It is for you to remain young and never grow old. (Recorded by Muslim)

5. Abu Bakr said to Zayd ibn Thabit in the presence of 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with them all): You are a wise young man and we do not have any suspicion about you and you used to write down the divine inspiration for Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him). So you should search for the fragmentary scripts of the Quran and collect them into one book. (Recorded by Bukhari)

6. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) went to visit a young man who was dying and asked him: How do you feel? The youth replied: I seek Allah's mercy, O Allah's Messenger, and I am also afraid of the consequences of my sins. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: These two feelings cannot be together in a slave's heart at this particular moment except that Allah gives the slave what he seeks and saves him from that of which he is afraid. (A reliable hadith recorded by Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhi)

7. Al-Bara' ibn 'Azib (RadiyAllah anhu) said while recalling the events of the Battle of Hunayn: No! By Allah, Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) did not flee, [what actually happened was that] his young unarmed Companions met a group of men ... who happened to be (excellent) archers. The latter shot at them a volley of arrows that did not miss. The people turned to the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him)... So he got down, prayed and invoked Allah's help (Recorded by Muslim)

8. Ibn Mas'ood (RadiyAllah anhu)said: We used to fight along with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) when we were youths. (Recorded by Muslim and Imam Ahmad)

9. Anas ibn Malik (RadiyAllah anhu) said: There were some seventy youths among the Ansar who were called the reciters of the Qur' an. They used to stay in the mosque and in the evenings they would go to an area in Madinah and study and pray there. While they were in that place their families would think that they were in the mosque, while the people of the mosque would think that they were with their families. When the dawn appeared, they would fetch water and firewood and take it to the Prophet's (Peace be upon him )apartment. (Recorded by Imam Ahmad, Bukhari, and Muslim) These youths also used to buy food with the proceeds of their firewood and water and give it to the poor emigrants from Makkah who had no family or clan in Madinah. They used to dwell in the shaded part of the Prophet’s (Peace be upon him) mosque or near it.

10. 'Alqamah, one of Ibn Mas'ood's companions, said: I was walking in Mina along with Ibn Mas 'ood when 'Uthman met him and had a conversation with him. 'Uthman then told him: 0 Abu 'Abdur-Rahman! Can we marry you to a young woman who will remind you of some of the past days of your life?  Ibn Mas'ood replied: As you have said that, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) once said: 0 young men! Whoever is capable of maintaining a wife among you should get married, for marriage lowers the gaze and protects the private parts from fornication and adultery. And whoever is not capable should fast, for fasting curbs the sexual urge. (Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim)

11. It is also reported in a hadith about the Dajjal that the TheProphet (Peace be upon him) said: The Dajjal will call a man in the prime of his youth and will cut him with a sword into two pieces and will throw them. He will then call him and he will respond with his face bearing joy and smiling. (Recorded by Muslim)

12. Malik ibn Huwayrith (RadiyAllah anhu) said: We came to Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) while we were youths of almost the same age and stayed with him for twenty days and nights. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) was compassionate and kind. When he assumed that we were yearning for our families, he asked about those we left behind and we told him. He then said: Go back to your people and stay with them, teach them and command them (then he mentioned some things) and pray as you saw me praying. When it is time for prayer, someone among you should make the adhan (call to prayer) and the eldest of you should lead you in prayer. (Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim)

Source:  Youth’s Problems. Issues that Affect Young People by Muhammad Salih al-Uthaymeen

22 February 2013

The Pious predecessors and their love for Jihad

Uthman (ra) stood on the pulpit and said: “I heard from the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) a hadith that I didn’t tell you about previously because I feared you would all leave from Madinah. I heard him say: ‘Being stationed in the path of Allah for a day is better than 1000 days anywhere else. So let everyone choose what they like.”

Abu Bakr as Sideeq (ra) escorted an army and walked with them and then said, “Praise be to Allah for having dust on our feet in his cause.” A man said: “But we just escorted them and gave them farewell?” Abu Bakr said: “We prepared them, gave them farewell and made prayers for them.”

Abu Bakr bin Abi Musa said I heard my father say: “Paradise is beneath the shadow of swords.” A man dressed in poor clothes stood up and said: “O Abu Musa! Did you hear that from the Messenger of Allah(Peace be upon him)?” He said “yes” The man went back to his companions and gave them his salaams, then he drew out his sword, broke his sheath and went on to fight until he was killed.”

Urwah bin al Zubair said: “Al Zubair had three scars from sword wounds. One was on his shoulder. It was so large I would stick my fingers in it. Two of them were from Badr and one in the battle of Yarmuk”

Anas bin Malik (ra) said: ‘Abu al Dujanah threw himself behind the walls in Yamamah and his leg broke. He kept on fighting with a broken leg until he was killed.’

Muadh bin Amr bin al Jamooh said: ‘I made Abu Jahl my target on the day of Badr. When I found him, I charged at him and hit him with my sword and cut his leg in two. Then his son Ikrimah hit me on my shoulder until he cut off my arm. It only remained hanging to my body by the skin of my side. But because fighting distracted me I remained dragging it behind me for most of the day. Dragging my arm behind me annoyed me so I placed my foot over it and pulled it off.’

Khalid bin al Waleed (ra) said: “That I were to marry a beautiful woman whom I love, or that I were given the good news of having a newborn son, it is less beloved and dear to my heart then to be, in a cold icy night, in an army waiting to meet the enemy the next morning. I advise you to go on Jihad”

These were the words of Khalid before his death. He also said, “I was prevented a lot of reciting of Quran because of my preoccupation with Jihad.”

Abdullah bin Amr said, “Shall I tell you about the best martyr on the Day of Judgment? That is the one who stands in the ranks on the battlefield and when they face the enemy he does not turn left or right. Rather he carries his sword and says: “O Allah! Today I hand over to you my soul to make up for my past days!” and then he is killed. That person is among the martyrs who now lie down in the high rooms of Paradise wherever they wish!”

Ibn Umar (ra) said, “One trip on Jihad is better than 50 Hajjs.”

Abu al Hassan al Muradi narrated that Ali bin Bakar said: “I’ve seen a Muslim in a battle against the Romans with his intestines spilled in front of him over his saddle. He stuck them back to his stomach and tied his turban around it. He carried on fighting and ended up killed over ten Roman soldiers before falling dead!”

Al Khateeb mentions in “The history of Baghdad” and Ibn Asakir in “The history of Damascus”, that Muhammad bin Fadhail bin Iyad said: “I saw Ibn al Mubarak in my dream so I asked him “What did you find your best deeds to be?” He said: “The deed that I preoccupied myself with.” I asked “Jihad and Ribaat?” He said: “Yes.” I told him “So what did Allah Almighty do to you?” He said, “He forgave me.”

Al Fadhl bin Ziyad said: I heard Abu Abdullah (Imam Ahmad) when Qazw was mentioned to him he started to cry and then said, “There is no act of worship greater than it”

(Ibn Qudamah records) in al Mugni it states that Imam Ahmad said: “There is nothing comparable in rewards to meeting the enemy. And for one to involve in the actual fighting is the best of deeds (compared to supportive roles.) The ones who are fighting the enemy are the ones defending Islam, so what can be greater than that? People feel save while they feel fear. They have given up their souls for Allah.”

Uthman is one of the Imams of the Tabi’een and one of their fighters. He was asked, “Are you going out to fight this year?” He said, “Yes, I wouldn’t want to miss fighting even if I were to make 100,000 dinars.”

Saad bin Abdul Aziz said Abu Muslim al Khawlani died in the territory of the Romans during the reign of Mu’awyah. He told Bisr bin Arta’ah (a companion who was the leader of their army): “Appoint me as the Amir (commander) over the dead and hand me the banner of war and make my grave the closest of all the graves of the martyrs to the enemy. I want to be resurrected on the Day of Judgment carrying the banner of war leading the martyrs.”

Yazeed bin Abi Ubayd said: “I asked Salamah bin al Akwa: “What was your pledge to the Messenger of Allah on the day of Hudaybiah?” He said: “We pledged to die.”

Al Qurtubi writes in his Tafseer, “As long as the enemy is more than twice the number of Muslims they can retreat but being steadfast and fighting is better. In the battle of Mutah the Muslims with only 3000 faced the Roman army of 200,000 Roman soldiers and 100,000 Arab soldiers. It is also mentioned that when Tariq was opening al Andalusia he had only 1700 soldiers while his enemy was 70,000 strong.”

Source: ‘Mashari al-Ashwaq ila Masari al-Ushaaq’ by Imam Ibn Nuhaas Translated by Imam Anwar Awlaki

18 February 2013

Some of the beautiful sayings of the great Sahaba Al-Miqdad ibn Amr

‘Abd ar-Rahman bin Jubayr bin Nufayr related that his father said:

“We were sitting with al-Miqdad bin al-Aswad one day, and a man came by and said: “How fortunate those two eyes of yours are that have seen the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him). I wish I had seen what you have seen and witnessed what you witnessed.”

So, al-Miqdad became angry, and I was surprised! The man only said something good!

He then walked over to the man and said: “What makes this man wish to be where Allah made him absent when he has no idea how he would’ve acted there? By Allah, there were people who saw the Messenger of Allah who will be dragged by Allah on their noses in Hell because they didn’t respond to his call and did not believe in his message. Will you not thank Allah that you were born knowing only your Lord, believing in what your Prophet came with, and have been relieved of trials that others had to go through?””
Reported by Ahmad (6/2)

On the day of Badr the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) consulted the people for advice and conveyed the news about Quraysh to them. Abu Bakr stood up and said something good, and so did `Umar. Al-Miqdad bin `Amr stood up and said, `O Allah's Messenger! March to what Allah has commanded you, for we are with you. By Allah! We will not say to you what the Children of Israel said to Musa,

﴿فَاذْهَبْ أَنتَ وَرَبُّكَ فَقَاتِلا إِنَّا هَـهُنَا قَـعِدُونَ﴾

("So go you and your Lord and fight you two, we are sitting right here'') ﴿5:24. Rather, go you and Your Lord and fight, we will be fighting along with you both. By He Who has sent you with Truth! If you decide to take us to Birk-ul-Ghimad, we will fight along with you until you reach it.' (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

03 February 2013

The extreme coldness of Hell fire

It was said Zubayd al-Yami woke up one night to pray. So, he walked towards the bowl of water that he would wash up from and put his hand it to find the water so cold that it was almost frozen. This reminded him of the extreme cold in Hell, and he did not remove his hand from the bowl until he later awoke and his servant came to find him like this. His servant said: “What are you doing, sir? Why didn’t you pray at night as you usually do? Why are you sitting here like this?” He replied: “I put my hand in this bowl and touched the cold water, and was reminded of the extreme cold of Hell. By Allah, I did not feel the severity of its coolness until you came just now. So, go and don’t tell anyone about this until I die.” And nobody knew of this incident until he had died, may Allah have Mercy on him.

It is mentioned in an authentic hadith: “Hell complained to its Lord, saying: “Parts of me have consumed the other parts.” So, He allowed it two breaths of exhalation: one in winter and one in summer. As for its breath in winter, that is the bitter cold, and its breath in the summer is the extreme heat.”