The early Muslim community was par excellence in terms of
integrity, nobility of character, and engaging in commendable competition to
earn the Satisfaction of Allah The Exalted. Taqwa (consciousness of Allah The
Almighty) was a prominent and distinguished feature of the lives of the early
Muslim community. This great Muslim generation dominated and subdued the whole
world due to their courage and striving in the cause of Allah. Their noble
morals and manners and virtues spread in the east and west. The Prophet,
, the leader of the pious believers
and the epitome of Taqwa, used to pray at night until his feet would crack. He
used to cry out of his fear of Allah The Exalted and a sound would come from
his breast like the rumbling of a mill owing to weeping, although his past and
future sins were forgiven.

Abu Bakr
successor and best friend of the Prophet,
, used to say, “I wish I were a
tree that is eaten from and then truncated!"

Once, a servant of Abu Bakr,
came to him with some food, and he,
ate some of it. Abu Bakr,
used to ask the servant each time about the origin of the food before eating,
but this time he forgot to do so. The servant then asked him, "Why did you
not ask me where this food came from?" Abu Bakr,
returned, "From where?" The servant responded, "I practiced
fortune telling in the times of Jaahiliyyah (the Period of Ignorance before
Islam) for some people and they paid me for it (today)." On hearing this,
Abu Bakr,
put his finger into his mouth and forced himself to vomit up the food, until
there was nothing left in his stomach. Then, he
“By Allah, if getting this piece of bread out of my body meant my death, I
would have got it out.”

This reflects his Taqwa and fear of Allah The Exalted. ‘Umar,


Ibn Mas‘ood,
once went out with some people. He asked them, “Do you need anything from me?”
They said, “No, but we love walking with you.” Ibn Mas‘ood,
said, “Go away! This is a humiliation for the follower and a trial for the one
who is being followed.”

The great Abbasid Caliph Haaroon Ar-Rasheed, was a great
Muslim Caliph who subdued the emperors of the Roman and Persian empires and
whose kingdom reached the furthest countries east and west. He went out one day
in his luxurious procession. A Jew said to him, “O Commander of the Believers,
fear Allah!" Haaroon Ar-Rasheed descended from his mount and prostrated to
Allah The Exalted in utter modesty and humility. Then, he talked to the Jew and
commanded his men to fulfill his need. Haaroon Ar-Rasheed was then asked about
his reaction, he said, “When I heard his words, I remembered the verse that
reads (what means): {And when it is said to him, "Fear Allah," pride
in the sin takes hold of him. Sufficient for him is Hellfire, and how wretched
is the resting place.} [Quran 2:206] I feared that I would be meant by this
These days many people when they are told to fear Allah The Almighty would feel proud and angry, their eyes would become red with anger and their veins would pop out of their forehead! Ibn Mas‘ood,

When the hearts of our predecessors

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