06 July 2012

A loaf of bread is sufficient for him

There are numerous stories related concerning Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal's piety, which confirm each other. He would not accept money from governor or ruler due to his piety and when Al-Mutawakkil sent him ten thousand dirhams with one of his chamberlains, the chamberlain said to him: " He send salutations of peace to you and he says to you spend this." But he refused to accept it. The chamberlain said to him: "Oh, Abu 'Abdullah! I fear that your refusal will cause enmity between you and him, so it is in your interest to accept it." And he left it with him and departed. 

Then at the end of the night, Imam Ahmad called his family, his nephews and his dependents and said: "I have not slept this night because of this money." So they sat with him and they wrote the names of those in need among the followers of Hadeeth and others among the inhabitants of Baghdad and Al-Bashrah, then in the morning, he distributed it among the people in fifty, a hundred, and two hundred, leaving not even a dirham. Among those to whom he gave were Abu Kuraib and Abu Sa'red Al-Ashajj. He gave away the bag in which it came and did not give anything of it to his family even though they were in direst o straits and the most urged need. Then his son, Salih came and took a piece of it for his son, and Imam Ahmad- may Allah have mercy on him- said nothing.

The Caliph was informed that he had given the whole of this gift in charity, until nothing remained of it and that he had given the bag in charity. 'Ali bin Jhm said: "Oh, Commander of the faithful! He accepted it from you and gave it in charity on your behalf. What does Ahmad want with money? A loaf of bread is sufficient for him." Upon which, the Caliph replied: "That is true." 

Source: The biography of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal by Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood

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