20 March 2013

The disease of extravagance (Sharh)

Sharah might be in regards to pleasant arts, such as decorated buildings, fine branded horses, fancy clothes, etc. This is a disease that originates from following  hawa, the cure for it is to know that the account for lawful earning is grave, extravagance is prohibited and Allah does not look at the one who drags his garment out of pride. Allah rewards a believer for everything except building.

Therefore the wise is the one who looks at how long he is going to live, and reflect on his final abode for that is when he will be contended with what he wears of his clothes and with whatever shelters him of buildings.

It was reported that prophet Nuh (Alihi Salam) lived in a house made of wool for nine hundred and fifty years. The Messenger (Peace be upon him) never put a stone over another (build a house/ his house was built out of mud) and on Umar bin Khattab’s (radiy Allah anhu) clothes there were twelve patches. This is because they understood that this world is a bridge and a bridge should be not taken as a home.

Thus whoever fails to be aware of this knowledge will be afflicted with the disease of Sharh, and should cure himself by  seeking knowledge and contemplating the biographies of the wise scholars.

Source: “Disciplining the soul” by  Ibn al-Jawzi. 

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