The righteous will
die and the wicked will die...
The warriors who
fight Jihaad will die and those who sit at home will die...
Those who busy
themselves with correct belief will die and those who
treat the people
as their slaves will die...
The brave who
reject injustice will die, and the cowards who seek
to cling on to
this life at any price will die...
The people of
great concern and lofty goals will die,
and the wretched
people who live only for cheap enjoyment will die...
A noble person said:
How many people I have known, if I wished, I could name
them, who surrendered themselves to their desires and became prisoners of their
lusts and forgot about death and their reckoning. So when Allah, the Mighty and
Magnificent guided me to His obedience, to following His orders, and to fearing
Him, then I went to my friend, advising
him, and admonishing him with encouragement and warning, but he used the excuse that he was still a young
man, and he was fooled by false hopes.
Then, by Allah, death came unexpectedly. So now he is one
who lies buried under the earth, tied to the burden of his sins. His passions
have left him, his female companions have departed from him and now he must
face the consequences, now he has to face the Overpowering Compeller with the
actions of the sinful and depraved...
May Allah save you and me from a record or an end like his?
So fear Allah, O Servants of Allah, and
do not be like him, since you know that this world is passing away and the Hereafter is coming towards us,
so keep in mind the point of death and
one's passing on, and the number of sins that one has committed and the small amount of good that one has done. Think of the
good that you would earnestly wish to do at that time - then bring that forward
and do that today, and think of all those things which you would desire to
clear yourself from, then clear yourself from them now.
"If it were the
case that when we die we would be left untroubled,
Then death would be
rest and relaxation for everyone living:
However when we die
we shall be raised up again,
And questioned about
everything we have done."
Source: “Death” by Sheikh 'Alee Hasan 'Alee 'Abdul-Hameed
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