21 August 2010

Sheikh Uthaymeen

giving dawah at airport

It has been narrated:

‘A member of the Da’wah and Guidance Centre in Jeddah narrates that during the Hajj of 1416, he was in the company of Shaykh Uthaymeen at King ‘Abdul ‘Azeez Airport, surrounded by the pilgrims who were arriving for Hajj.

Here the Shaykh undertook that which was obligatory upon him by giving da’wah to the arriving pilgrims. A large group of Russian pilgrims arrived and the Shaykh wanted to offer some words (of guidance) to them. So he asked if there was a translator amongst them. Then, the (Russian) guide for the group came forward; not knowing this was Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen.

After completing the translation, the guide asked who the Shaykh was. He was told that it was Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. At this, he turned to embrace the Shaykh, kissing him (on his forehead) whilst crying. He then grabbed hold of the microphone and addressed all the members of his group, informing them that this was Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. At this, tears began falling from the eyes of each and every member of the group, whilst the guide was repeatedly loudly calling out on the microphone, ” Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen! Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen!”

The members then came (forward) and conveyed their greetings to the Shaykh, and kissed him (on his forehead).

The guide for the group then turned to the Shaykh and said:

“These are your students. They used to read your books in shelters under the ground during the Communist rule”.

Source: Al-Jaami’ li-Hayaat al-’Allaamah Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen- page 38


Abdurrahman said...

A very touching story. Barak Allahu Feekum and thanks for posting it! May Allah have mercy on the Shaykh and preserve our scholars for us.

Anonymous said...

mashaallah shaykh uthaimin,was a great scholar pple from ol over the world they get knwledge from his buks. may Allah rest his soul in peace and make him among the dwellers of jannah.Amin.