03 May 2013

The description of the house in which Prophet (Peace be upon him) use to live with Aisha (Radiy Allah anha)

It was about six feet wide, had earthen walls and the roof was of leaves and twigs. To prevent rain water from seeping in the roof was covered with a blanket. The roof was so low that a person standing upright could touch the roof. There was a single shuttered door, which was never closed; a blanket served as a curtain. Close to the room, on a slightly higher level was another small room, which Muhammad (Peace be upon him) occupied on the one occasion when he had boycotted the Mothers of the believers. A mat, a thin mattress, a pillow filled with the bark of trees, a leather water bag, a small plate for dates and a glass for drinking water were all the things in the room. There were none of the signs of worldly wealth and pomp, but this little room was filled with spiritual treasures. 

Source: Great Women of Islam

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