05 June 2013

The bravery of Tulayhah al Azdi

When Saad bin Abi Waqqaas (ra) asked the Khalifah Umar (ra) to send him reinforcement. Umar (ra) replied: “I have sent you 2000 men: Amr bin Ma’adi Yakrib and Tulayhah al Azdi. Each one of them counts as a thousand.”

Tulayhah al Azdi , Amr, and Qays bin Makshooh went on a reconnaissance mission to the enemy’s army. Both Amr and Qays kidnapped some Persian soldiers and brought them back to the Muslim camp for interrogation. 

Tulayhah went further until he was in the camp of the army’s commander. He hid until nightfall and then went straight to the tent of the commander and took away his horse - which was tied to the tent - and ran away. A Persian horseman saw that and followed him. Tulayhah killed him and took his horse along with his and the commander’s horse. Another horseman pursued him and Tulayhah also killed him and took his horse. A third horseman attacked him but then surrendered. Tulayhah captured him and carried him away, along with a total of four horses in addition to his. 

The Muslim leaders gathered to question the Persian who was captured who turned out to be one of their leaders. He said: “I have fought numerous battles but I have never seen anything like this man! He crossed our camps until he made it to where even the brave would not dare: the camp of our army’s commander, which had over 70,000 soldiers. As if that wasn’t enough he went ahead and took the commander’s horse! The first of us to follow him was considered among us to be equal to a thousand men and he killed him! The second to follow him was killed and then I pursued him and I don’t think that there is anyone in the army equal to myself in strength and courage. But I saw death on his hands and surrendered! The man then accepted Islam and fought alongside the Muslims.

Source: ‘Mashari al-Ashwaq ila Masari al-Ushaaq’ by Imam Ibn Nuhaas

31 May 2013

A Miswak from Medina

Oh Miswak! I wonder whether you came from the blessed land of Madina, the land of our beloved Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) .
I wonder this was just the type Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم)  used & so did the Sahabas too.
Chewed a bit on to the Miswak, & Thoughts began to drift…
The last moments of our Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم), as he laid on the lap of his beloved wife.
As she chewed the Miswak gently and cleansed the beloved teeth of the Prophet...
He (صلي الله عليه وسلم)  took such care for hygiene though He (صلي الله عليه وسلم)  was feeling the pain and agony of death drawing nearer and nearer...
Tears rolled down as I wondered about how everyone present near the beloved Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم)  would have felt, as time drove near for Him (صلي الله عليه وسلم).
The fever, the fainting to unconsciousness, the waking up, pouring of water over on the beloved head of the Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم)  just so to break the fever.
And yet He constantly kept asking "Have they prayed? Have they prayed? So much concern and protection over Salah yet we do not take heed...
A calling brought me back and was questioned for my stillness and tears...
Shared my thoughts and the listener too broke into bitter tears as he had the other half of the Miswak in his hand.
You see for us Muslims using of a Miswak is just not something simple. It is a Sunnah of our Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم)  with so many medical benefits to fill the pages...
But most importantly it is a Sunnah to be followed and loved so that we may be loved by Allah subhanahu wa’ta’aalaa for following the Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) though it may seem simple and small...
And as for me the Miswak is a reminder of the last day spent in this Dhunya by the Mercy sent to the mankind...
By Ummu Ayyub

03 May 2013

The description of the house in which Prophet (Peace be upon him) use to live with Aisha (Radiy Allah anha)

It was about six feet wide, had earthen walls and the roof was of leaves and twigs. To prevent rain water from seeping in the roof was covered with a blanket. The roof was so low that a person standing upright could touch the roof. There was a single shuttered door, which was never closed; a blanket served as a curtain. Close to the room, on a slightly higher level was another small room, which Muhammad (Peace be upon him) occupied on the one occasion when he had boycotted the Mothers of the believers. A mat, a thin mattress, a pillow filled with the bark of trees, a leather water bag, a small plate for dates and a glass for drinking water were all the things in the room. There were none of the signs of worldly wealth and pomp, but this little room was filled with spiritual treasures. 

Source: Great Women of Islam

The description of the Prophet (Peace be upon him)

Describing the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him), who passed by her tent on his journey of migration, Umm Ma‘bad Al-Khuza‘iyah said to her husband: “He was innocently bright and had broad countenance. His manners were fine. Neither was his belly bulging out nor was his head deprived of hair. He had black attractive eyes finely arched by continuous eyebrows. His hair glossy and black, inclined to curl, he wore long. His voice was extremely commanding. His head was large, well-formed and set on a slender neck. His expression was pensive and contemplative, serene and sublime. The stranger was fascinated from the distance, but no sooner he became intimate with him than this fascination was changed into attachment and respect. His expression was very sweet and distinct. His speech was well set and free from the use of superfluous words, as if it were a rosary of beads. His stature was neither too high nor too small to look repulsive. He was a twig amongst the two, singularly bright and fresh. He was always surrounded by his Companions. Whenever he uttered something, the listeners would hear him with rapt attention and whenever he issued any command, they vied with each other in carrying it out. He was a master and a commander. His utterances were marked by truth and sincerity, free from all kinds of falsehoods and lies.”

‘Ali bin Abi Talib describing him said: “The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) was neither excessively tall nor extremely short. He was medium height among his friends. His hair was neither curly nor wavy. It was in between. It was not too curly nor was it plain straight. It was both curly and wavy combined. His face was not swollen or meaty-compact. It was fairly round. His mouth was white. He had black and large eyes with long haired eyelids. His joints (limbs) and shoulder joints were rather big. He had a rod-like little hair extending from his chest down to his navel, but the rest of his body was almost hairless. He had thick hand palms and thick fingers and toes. At walking, he lifted his feet off the ground as if he had been walking in a muddy remainder of water. When he turned, he turned all. The Prophet hood Seal was between his shoulders. He is the Seal of Prophets, the most generous and the bravest of all.

His speech was the most reliable. He was the keenest and the most attentive to people’s trust and was very careful to pay people’s due in full. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) was the most tractable and the most yielding companion, seeing him unexpectedly you fear him and venerate him. He who has acquaintance with him will like him. He who describes him says:  ‘I have never seen such a person neither before nor after seeing him.’””

Jabir bin Samurah reported that Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) had a broad face with reddish (wide) eyes and lean heels.

Abu At-Tufail said: “He was white, good-looking. He was neither fat nor thin; neither tall nor short.”

Anas bin Malik said: “He had unfolded hands and was pink-colored. He was neither white nor brown. He was rather whitish. In both his head and beard there were as many as twenty grey hairs, besides some grey hairs at his temples.” In another version: “and some scattered white hairs in his head.”
Abu Juhaifa said: “I have seen some grey color under his lower lip.”

Al-Bara’ said: “He was of medium height, broad-shouldered; his hair went up to his earlobes. I saw him dressed in a red garment and I (assure you) I have never seen someone more handsome. At first he used to let his hair loose so as to be in compliance with the people of the Book; but later on he used to part it.”

Al-Bara’ also said: “He had the most handsome face and the best character.” When he was asked: “Was the Messenger’s face sword-like?” “No,” he said: “it was moon-like.” But in another version: he said, “His face was round.”

Ar-Rabi‘ bint Muawwidh said: “Had you seen him, you would have felt that the sun was shining.”

Jabir bin Samurah said, “I saw him at one full-moon night. I looked at him. He was dressed in a red garment. I compared him with the moon and found that — for me — he was better than the moon.”

Abu Huraira said: “I have never seen a thing nicer than the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him). It seems as if the sunlight were moving within his face. I have never seen one who is faster in pace than the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him). It seemed as if the earth had folded itself up to shorten the distance for him. For we used to wear ourselves out while he was at full ease.”

Ka‘b bin Malik said: “When he was pleased, his face would shine with so bright light that you would believe that it was a moon-piece.” Once he sweated at ‘Aishah’s (house), and the features of his face twinkled; so I recited a poem by Abu Kabeer Al-Hudhali:
“If you watch his face-features, you will see them twinkling like the lightning of an approaching rain.”

Whenever Abu Bakr saw him he would say:  “He is faithful, chosen (by Allâh), and calls for forgiveness. He shines like a full-moon light when it is far from dark (clouds).”

‘Umar used to recite verses by Zuhair describing Haram bin Sinan:
“Were you other than a human being, you would be a lighted moon at a full-moon night.” Then he would add: “Thus was the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) . When he got angry his face would go so red that you would think it were “an inflected red skin-spot with pomegranate grains on both cheeks.”

Jabir bin Samurah said: “His legs were gentle, delicate and in conformity. His laughter is no more than smiling. Looking at him will make you say ‘He is black-eyed though he is not so.’”

Ibn Al-‘Abbas said: “Between his two front teeth were gaps, so whenever he speaks, light goes through them. His neck was as pure and silvery as a neck of doll. His eyelids were long haired but his beard was thick. His forehead was broad; but his eyebrows were like the metal piece attached to a lance, but they were unhorned. His nose was high-tipped, middle-cambered with narrow nostrils. His cheeks were plain, but he had (little hair) running down like a rod from his throat to his navel. He had hair neither on his abdomen nor on his chest except some on his arms and shoulders. His chest was broad and flatted. He had long forearms with expansive palms of the hand. His legs were plain straight and stretching down. His other limbs were straight too. The two hollows of his soles hardly touch the ground. When he walks away he vanishes soon; but he walks at ease (when he is not in a hurry). The way he walks seems similar to one who is leaning forwards and is about to fall down.”

Anas said: “I have never touched silk or a silky garment softer than the palm of the Prophet’s (Peace be upon him); nor have I smelt a perfume or any scent nicer than his.” In another version, “I have never smelt ambergris nor musk nor any other thing sweeter than the scent and the smell of the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him).”

Abu Juhaifa said: “I took his hand and put it on my head and I found that it was colder than ice and better scented than the musk perfume.”

Jabir bin Samurah — who was a little child then — said: “When he wiped my cheek, I felt it was cold and scented as if it had been taken out of a shop of a perfume workshop.”

Anas said, “His sweat was pearl-like.” Umm Sulaim said: “His sweat smelt nicer than the nicest perfume.”

Jabir said: “Whoever pursues a road that has been trodden by the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him), will certainly scent his smell and will be quite sure that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) has already passed it.” The Seal of Prophet hood, which was similar in size to a pigeon’s egg, was between his shoulders on the left side having spots on it like moles.””

Source: Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum

30 April 2013

A poem which made Ahmed ibn Hanbal cry

Abu Hamid Al-Khulqani said: I asked Ahmed ibn Hanbal (Rahimahullah):  "O Abu Abdullah, Here is a poem which mentions Paradise and Hell? What do you say about these". He asked, "Like what?" He said, "It says:

إذا ما قال لي ربي
 أما استحييت تعصيني
وتخفي الذنب عن خلقي
 وبالعصيان تأتيني

"When my Lord asks me,
Are you not ashamed to disobey Me?
And you hide your sins from My creation,
And with disobedience (sins) you come to Me"" 

Ahmad said, "Read it to me again", so he did. Then Ahmad went into his house and closed the door. Then Abu Hamid said, “I could hear him from inside the house weeping and reciting :

إذا ما قال لي ربي
 أما استحييت تعصيني
وتخفي الذنب عن خلقي
 وبالعصيان تأتيني

"When my Lord asks me,
Are you not ashamed to disobey Me?
You hide your sins from My creation,
And with disobedience (sins) you come to Me""

27 April 2013

Oh, they left me alone to suffer the torture

Imam Adh-Dhahabi mentions this story in “Kitabul-Kabaair”

““Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Al-Feriabi said, “Once I went out accompanied with a group of my friends to visit Abu Sann'an, (May Allah have mercy on him). When we entered his house and sat down for a while, he said, “Let us visit a neighbor whose brother has recently died to console him.”

Then, we all went to the man but we found him wailing and impatient for the death of his brother. Accordingly, we tried to console him but of no avail. We admonished him that death is an inevitable end. Then, he said, I know. I just weep for my brother’s death abode and the torture he is in.

We asked, “Did Allah enable you to know the Unseen?” He said,” Of course not, but when I buried him and people went away I sat down by his grave.

Meanwhile, I heard a sound of distress. I heard someone crying.” ‘Oh, they left me alone to suffer the torture. I was praying, and fasting’. The brother went on saying “I wept out of pity for those words and I began to dig the grave to see his status. The grave was full of fire and I noticed a circle of fire around his neck. Out of pity I extended my arm to help him out from the fire. No sooner I extended my hand ,my fingers were burnt. Then, the man showed us his burnt hand.

He went on saying; “I hoarded the earth over him and went away. Thus, how can I keep patient after I have seen how he is”.

We, then, asked, "What did your brother do in this world (to deserve such a status)?"
He replied. “He did not pay Zakah from his money."

We said, "This is in accordance with Allah's saying,

{And let not those who covetously withhold of that which Allah has bestowed on them of His Bounty (Wealth) think that it is good for them (and so they do not pay the obligatory Zakat). Nay, it will be worse for them; the things which they covetously withheld shall be tied to their necks like a collar on the Day of Resurrection. And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is Well-Acquainted with all that you do.} (Al-Imran: 180)

Your brother, therefore, is being tortured in advance in his grave until the Day of Judgment.”

Afterwards, we went to Abu Dharr (Radiy Allah anhu), the companion of the prophet (Sallallahu ‘alahi Wasallam), and told him this man's story. We also said, "When a Jew or a Christian dies, we do not notice them suffering like this," He said; "They are undoubtedly in the Hell-fire. Allah shows you the abode of the Muslims in order to learn the lesson. Allah, the Most High, says,

{Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for (the good of) his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so to his own harm, and I (Muhammad SAW) am not a watcher over you.)} (AI-An' am: 104)””

17 April 2013

Your Heart is the Pillar of Your Worship

By Sheikh Abdullah Azzam

 "...the heart is the machine that drives all acts of worship. It is what moves the entire body! As long as the heart is alive, then the limbs will be alive, and the soul will open itself up to worship. However, if the heart becomes diseased, then worship will become too heavy on the soul, leading to it eventually disliking and hating - and we seek refuge with Allah from this - worship. Because of this, Allah - the Glorified and Exalted - said, regarding the prayer:

{"...and truly, it is extremely heavy and hard except on those who are submissive..."} [al-Baqarah; 45]

The prayer is heavy, because one's legs and hands are not what get up for the prayer. What gets up for the prayer are the heart and the soul.

{"Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives them. And when they stand up for the prayer, they stand with laziness and to be seen of men, and they do not remember Allah but little."} [an-Nisa'; 142]

Because of this, it is the heart that stands up for worship. The limbs are simply slaves of this heart, carrying out what it commands them. If the heart is alive, then the soul will be alive, and worship will become beloved and sweetened to the hearts and the souls, and they will open up for it. However, if the heart becomes diseased, then worship becomes too heavy on it. The heart is like the digestive system: right now, the most beloved thing to you is meat. However, if you develop an ulcer somewhere in your digestive system, then the meat - along with its fat and oil - becomes the most hated thing to it, since it is diseased. Sweets are also something that are beloved to the soul. For example, if you were fasting right now and were to break your fast on some desserts, then your soul would become satisfied with that, right? However, if one were to be stricken with diabetes, then he would not be able to handle these sugary foods, even if they were beloved to him. The heart is like this: it must be strong so that it can handle worship that is strong. The stronger your heart becomes, then throw as much worship upon it as you wish. You would get up to pray at night, and you would cherish this prayer and consider sleep to be your enemy:

{"Their sides forsake their beds, to invoke their Lord in fear and hope..."} [as-Sajdah; 16]

He begins to forsake it because an enmity develops between him and his bed. He prays behind the imam, and he says to himself: "If only he would make the prayer longer," so that he would increase in his opening up to this worship, and his tasting of its sweetness. At times, I would pray a normal prayer with the people behind me, so I would elongate the prayer.

The youth would then come to me and say (the hadith): "Whoever leads the people in prayer should go easy on them," - the youth! And there was an old man behind me who was between 90 and 100 years of age - his face filled with light - and he would say to me: "Keep making the prayer long and do not answer them." A man of 90 years getting pleasure out of a long prayer, and a youth of 20, who probably practices karate and judo, cannot handle the same prayer. Why? If he went to the soccer field and spent two hours playing there without becoming bored, then why would he become bored from hearing the Qur'an for five minutes? The difference between a short prayer and a long prayer is simply five minutes, so why does he become bored from these five minutes of Qur'an, yet he does not become bored from two hours of soccer? Why does he not get bored from standing for two hours staring at an inflated piece of leather, his heart attached to it? Because, what stands up to pray is the heart, and what stands up for sports are simply the body and muscles."

['at-Tarbiyah al-Jihadiyyah wal-Bina''; 1/220]

11 April 2013

Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Yahya ibn Mu'een and the Hadith fabricator

On one occasion, Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Yahya ibn Mu'een prayed in the Ar-Rassafah Mosque. A storyteller stood among the people gathered in the Mosque and said,

"Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Yahya ibn Mu'een related to me from 'Abdur-Razzaq from Qatadah from Anas that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alahi Wasallam) said…..”

He continued to relate twenty or so pages worth of narrations, while Ahmad stared in amazement at Yahya and Yahya stared in amazement at Ahmad. Each asked the other, "Did you relate this?"

And each of them answered, "By Allah, until this hour, I had not heard this." When the storyteller was finished, Yahya asked, "And who related this to you?" He said,"Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Yahya ibn Mu'een."

Yahya said, "I am Yahya and this is Ahmad, and we have never heard of this to be among the sayings of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alahi Wasallam)"

The storyteller said, "I used to always hear that Yahya ibn Mu'een was an imbecile, but that fact has not dawned upon me until now." Yahya asked, "And how is that?" He said, "Is there not any Yahya ibn Mu'een and Ahmad ibn Hanbal in the world other than you two? I have indeed written from seventeen Ahmad ibn Hanbals and Yahya ibn Mu'eens”.

Tahdheer al-Khawas min Akadheeb al-Qussas by As-Suyootee

Source: The Sunnah and its role in Islamic legislation by Dr. Mustafa as-Siba'ee / Translated by Faisal ibn Muhammad Shafeeq / P122

03 April 2013

The status of the shuhadha and the Muraabit on the Day of Judgment

When the people will be filled with terror on the Day of Judgment, the shaheed (martyr) will feel no fear.

In Sunan at-Tirmidhi and sunan ibn Maajah it is narrated that Al-Miqdaam ibn Ma’di Karb related: The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu ‘Alahi Wasallam) said:

“Before Allah, the shaheed has six virtues: he is forgiven from the first drop of blood shed; he will be shown his place in paradise; he will be protected from the torment of the grave; he will be safe from the greater terror (of the Day of Resurrection); a crown of dignity will be placed on his head, of which one ruby is better than this world and all that is it; he will be married to seventy two of Al-Hoor al ‘Iyn; and he will intercede for seventy of his relatives. “ (1)

The pertinent point of this Hadith is that the shaheed will be safe from the greater terror, the terror of the Day of Resurrection. Similar to the Shaheed (Martyr) is the the muraabit, who guards the borders of Islam for the sake of Allah. If he dies whilst he is guarding the borders of Islam, Allah will keep him safe from the greater terror.

Tabaraani narrated with a saheeh isnaad from Abu’d-Dardaa’ that the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘Alahi Wasallam) said:

“Guarding the borders of Islam for a day is better than fasting for a lifetime. Whoever dies guarding the borders of Islam for the sake of Allah will be kept from the great terror, his provision and breeze will be brought from Paradise, and the reward of the Muraabit will continue until Allah resurrects him.”(2)
One of the ways in which Allah will honor the shaheed on the day of Resurrection will be that He will raise him with his wounds flowing with blood. The color will be blood but it will smell like musk.

Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurayrah ( Radi Allah anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu ‘Alahi Wasallam) said:

“By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, no one is wounded for the sake of Allah- and Allah knows best who is wounded for His sake- but he will come on the Day of Resurrection with his wounds flowing with blood . The color will be of blood but smell musk.”(3)

Tirmidhi, Nasaa’i and Abu Dawood narrated with a saheeh isnaad from Mu’aadh ibn Jabal that he heard the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu ‘Alahi Wasallam) say:

“Whoever fights for the sake of Allah , even for the interval between two milkings of a camel, will be entitled to Paradise, and whoever is wounded or injured for the sake of Allah , the injury will appear on the Day od Resurrection bleeding copiously , the color of saffron and with the fragrance of musk.” (4)

Ibn  Hajar said: “The scholars said: ‘The reason why he will be resurrected in this state is that it will be a testimony to his virtue, becausae he sacrificed himself in Obeying Allah.”” (5)

(1)Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 2/358, Hadith no.3834. The editor of Al-Mishkaat said its isnaad is saheeh.

(2)Saheeh al-Jaami’ as-Sagheer, 3/171, hadith no. 3473.

(3) Bukhari: kitaab al-Jihaad, Baab man yujrah fi Sabeel Allah, Fath al-Baari, 6/20.

(4) Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 2/355, Hadith no.3825.

(5)Fath al-Baari, 6/20.

Taken from the book "The Day of Resurrection" by Dr. 'Umar S. al-Ashqar

31 March 2013

The Unexpected occurs

The righteous will die and the wicked will die...

The warriors who fight Jihaad will die and those who sit at home will die...

Those who busy themselves with correct belief will die and those who

treat the people as their slaves will die...

The brave who reject injustice will die, and the cowards who seek

to cling on to this life at any price will die...

The people of great concern and lofty goals will die,

and the wretched people who live only for cheap enjoyment will die...

A noble person said:

How many people I have known, if I wished, I could name them, who surrendered themselves to their desires and became prisoners of their lusts and forgot about death and their reckoning. So when Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent guided me to His obedience, to following His orders, and to fearing Him, then I went to my  friend, advising him, and admonishing him with encouragement and warning, but  he used the excuse that he was still a young man, and he was fooled by false hopes.

Then, by Allah, death came unexpectedly. So now he is one who lies buried under the earth, tied to the burden of his sins. His passions have left him, his female companions have departed from him and now he must face the consequences, now he has to face the Overpowering Compeller with the actions of the sinful and depraved...

May Allah save you and me from a record or an end like his? So fear Allah, O  Servants of Allah, and do not be like him, since you know that this world is passing  away and the Hereafter is coming towards us, so keep in mind the point of death  and one's passing on, and the number of sins that one has committed and the small  amount of good that one has done. Think of the good that you would earnestly wish to do at that time - then bring that forward and do that today, and think of all those things which you would desire to clear yourself from, then clear yourself from them now.

"If it were the case that when we die we would be left untroubled,

Then death would be rest and relaxation for everyone living:

However when we die we shall be raised up again,

And questioned about everything we have done."

Source: “Death” by Sheikh  'Alee Hasan 'Alee 'Abdul-Hameed

24 March 2013

Allah is Indeed Pleased with their deed

A man went to the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallaam) and said: “O Messenger of Allah! Indeed I am extremely hungry.” The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallaam) sent a message to one of his wives asking, “Do you have any food with you?” She said, “No, by the One Who has sent you with the truth, all I have with me is the water!

He (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallaam) then sent messages to all of his wives asking the same question, and the answer of each  one of them was, “No”, by the One Who has sent you with truth, all we have is water.”
Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallaam) said to his Companions; “Who will be a host tonight, May Allah have mercy on him.” A man from the Helpers (Ansar) called Abu Talhah stood and said, “I, O Messenger of Allah.”

He went to his house and asked his wife, “Do you have any food with you?” She said, “All I have with me is a little bit of food for our children.” He said, “Give excuses to them, and then try to make them go to sleep! And when our guest comes, make him think we are also eating as he puts his hand forward to eat. Then go to the lamp and pretend that you are fixing it, but instead put it out. And give him the impression that we are eating, so that our guest eats and fill himself.”

She did what her husband asked her to do; she made her children sleep hungry, she placed the food before the guest, she stood to turn the lamp-off but she was giving the impression of simply adjusting the lamp. Then she sat with her husband and with the guest for meal, they sat idle as the guest ate.

On the following day, he went to Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallaam) who said to him, “Tonight Allah laughed, or wondered at your action.” And then the following verse was been revealed.
‘And give them preference over themselves, even though they were in need of that…”[Qur’an 59:9]

Source: Gems and Jewels/compiled by Abdul-Malik Mujahid/ Darussalam

20 March 2013

The disease of extravagance (Sharh)

Sharah might be in regards to pleasant arts, such as decorated buildings, fine branded horses, fancy clothes, etc. This is a disease that originates from following  hawa, the cure for it is to know that the account for lawful earning is grave, extravagance is prohibited and Allah does not look at the one who drags his garment out of pride. Allah rewards a believer for everything except building.

Therefore the wise is the one who looks at how long he is going to live, and reflect on his final abode for that is when he will be contended with what he wears of his clothes and with whatever shelters him of buildings.

It was reported that prophet Nuh (Alihi Salam) lived in a house made of wool for nine hundred and fifty years. The Messenger (Peace be upon him) never put a stone over another (build a house/ his house was built out of mud) and on Umar bin Khattab’s (radiy Allah anhu) clothes there were twelve patches. This is because they understood that this world is a bridge and a bridge should be not taken as a home.

Thus whoever fails to be aware of this knowledge will be afflicted with the disease of Sharh, and should cure himself by  seeking knowledge and contemplating the biographies of the wise scholars.

Source: “Disciplining the soul” by  Ibn al-Jawzi. 

07 March 2013

The story of Khalid bin Waleed killing the devil

An-Nasa'i recorded that Abu At-Tufayl said, "When the Messenger of Allah(Sallalahu alaihi wasallam)  conquered Makkah, he sent Khalid bin Al-Walid to the area of Nakhlah where the idol of Al-`Uzza was erected on three trees of a forest. Khalid cut the three trees and approached the house built around it and destroyed it. When he went back to the Prophet and informed him of the story, the Prophet (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam) said to him,

ارْجِعْ فَإِنَّكَ لَمْ تَصْنَعْ شَيْئًا

(Go back and finish your mission, for you have not finished it.) Khalid went back and when the custodians who were also its servants of Al-`Uzza saw him, they started invoking by calling Al-`Uzza! When Khalid approached it, he found a naked woman whose hair was untidy and who was throwing sand on her head. Khalid killed her with the sword and went back to the Messenger of Allah , who said to him,

تِلْكَ الْعُزَّى  

(That was Al-`Uzza!) ”

Source: Tafsir Ibn Kathir / Surah An-Najm/ Ayah 19

28 February 2013

A Glimpse at Imam an-Nawawi

By Sheikh Abdullah Azzam

“…It is known that he is from the most knowledgeable of scholars in the history of Islam. I mean, if you were to take the ten most notable scholars of the Muslims throughout history, an-Nawawi would be one of them. He wrote a commentary on ‘Sahih Muslim,’ and he wrote his book ‘al-Majmu” in Fiqh, regarding which Ibn Kathir said: “Nothing was ever written to match its brilliance.” And yes, nothing was ever written like this book.

When you read anything by an-Nawawi, you feel as if you are a plant that is being watered, as he delves deeply into meanings and concepts. Add to this that he abstained from the worldly pleasures, he was a devout worshipper, he would enjoin what was good, and he would forbid what was wrong. He would stand up to the rulers in the peak of their power. One time, the lamp he was using went out, and he lit it with his hand – he continued writing using light that was emanating from his hand!

He came into conflict with Dhahir Baybras, the ruler of Sham and Egypt. Dhahir Baybras requested a fatwa from the scholars that money should be collected in order to prepare an army to fight the Tatars in 658 H. When the Tatars occupied Baghdad and advanced upon Palestine and turned towards Sham, he requested a fatwa while the Tatars were in Palestine that money should be collected to purchase weapons.

Every single scholar issued the fatwa except for an-Nawawi. He said: “I will not provide you with such a fatwa.”

Dhahir asked: “Why not? I want to purchase arms for this struggle, and you refuse to issue a fatwa for it? The entire Ummah and Religion will be exposed to loss.”

He replied: “Because you came to us as a slave who owned nothing, and I see that you now own gardens, servants, slave girls, silver, and gold. So, if you sell all of these things and still need money after that, I will issue the fatwa you seek.”

He said: “Leave Sham.”

And he left and went to a small village in Nawa (his hometown). The scholars came to Dhahir Baybras and said to him: “The scholars of Sham are nothing without Muhi ad-Din an-Nawawi.” He replied: “Bring him back.” They then went to an-Nawawi and said: “Come back, O Muhi ad-Din.” an-Nawawi said: “By Allah, I will not go back while Dhahir is in it,” and Allah fulfilled his oath: Dhahir died a month later, and an-Nawawi returned to Sham.

This is an-Nawawi, the devout worshipper, the scholar, the zahid, the scholar of Usul, Fiqh, and Hadith. Look at the blessing that is in his books…ya Salam! Look at the barakah: his book ‘al-Majmu” has provided much benefit, his book ‘Riyad as-Salihin,’ his book of fortyHadith, his book ‘al-Adhkar’ – you can feel the barakah in his books. No books have been so widely distributed as the books of an-Nawawi…”

['Fi Dhilal Surat at-Tawbah'; p. 67-68]

25 February 2013

Some Hadiths concerning young people

1. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Your Lord is delighted (in the way that suits Him) about a young person who does not have youthful (lustful) desire. (An authentic hadith recorded by Imam Ahmad, at-Tabarani, Abu Yala and Ibn Abi Asim)

2. Allah will give shade to seven on the day when there will be no shade but His. They are: a just ruler; a youth who has been brought up in the worship of Allah sincerely from his childhood; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two people who love each other only for Allah's sake and they meet and part in Allah's cause alone; a man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah; a man who gives charitable gifts so sincerely that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given; and a person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes become flooded with tears. (Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim)

3. Hasan and Husayn will be the chiefs of the young dwellers of paradise. (An authentic hadith recorded Imam Ahmad and at-Tabarani)

4. The dwellers of paradise will be told: It is for you to remain young and never grow old. (Recorded by Muslim)

5. Abu Bakr said to Zayd ibn Thabit in the presence of 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with them all): You are a wise young man and we do not have any suspicion about you and you used to write down the divine inspiration for Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him). So you should search for the fragmentary scripts of the Quran and collect them into one book. (Recorded by Bukhari)

6. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) went to visit a young man who was dying and asked him: How do you feel? The youth replied: I seek Allah's mercy, O Allah's Messenger, and I am also afraid of the consequences of my sins. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: These two feelings cannot be together in a slave's heart at this particular moment except that Allah gives the slave what he seeks and saves him from that of which he is afraid. (A reliable hadith recorded by Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhi)

7. Al-Bara' ibn 'Azib (RadiyAllah anhu) said while recalling the events of the Battle of Hunayn: No! By Allah, Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) did not flee, [what actually happened was that] his young unarmed Companions met a group of men ... who happened to be (excellent) archers. The latter shot at them a volley of arrows that did not miss. The people turned to the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him)... So he got down, prayed and invoked Allah's help (Recorded by Muslim)

8. Ibn Mas'ood (RadiyAllah anhu)said: We used to fight along with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) when we were youths. (Recorded by Muslim and Imam Ahmad)

9. Anas ibn Malik (RadiyAllah anhu) said: There were some seventy youths among the Ansar who were called the reciters of the Qur' an. They used to stay in the mosque and in the evenings they would go to an area in Madinah and study and pray there. While they were in that place their families would think that they were in the mosque, while the people of the mosque would think that they were with their families. When the dawn appeared, they would fetch water and firewood and take it to the Prophet's (Peace be upon him )apartment. (Recorded by Imam Ahmad, Bukhari, and Muslim) These youths also used to buy food with the proceeds of their firewood and water and give it to the poor emigrants from Makkah who had no family or clan in Madinah. They used to dwell in the shaded part of the Prophet’s (Peace be upon him) mosque or near it.

10. 'Alqamah, one of Ibn Mas'ood's companions, said: I was walking in Mina along with Ibn Mas 'ood when 'Uthman met him and had a conversation with him. 'Uthman then told him: 0 Abu 'Abdur-Rahman! Can we marry you to a young woman who will remind you of some of the past days of your life?  Ibn Mas'ood replied: As you have said that, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) once said: 0 young men! Whoever is capable of maintaining a wife among you should get married, for marriage lowers the gaze and protects the private parts from fornication and adultery. And whoever is not capable should fast, for fasting curbs the sexual urge. (Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim)

11. It is also reported in a hadith about the Dajjal that the TheProphet (Peace be upon him) said: The Dajjal will call a man in the prime of his youth and will cut him with a sword into two pieces and will throw them. He will then call him and he will respond with his face bearing joy and smiling. (Recorded by Muslim)

12. Malik ibn Huwayrith (RadiyAllah anhu) said: We came to Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) while we were youths of almost the same age and stayed with him for twenty days and nights. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) was compassionate and kind. When he assumed that we were yearning for our families, he asked about those we left behind and we told him. He then said: Go back to your people and stay with them, teach them and command them (then he mentioned some things) and pray as you saw me praying. When it is time for prayer, someone among you should make the adhan (call to prayer) and the eldest of you should lead you in prayer. (Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim)

Source:  Youth’s Problems. Issues that Affect Young People by Muhammad Salih al-Uthaymeen

22 February 2013

The Pious predecessors and their love for Jihad

Uthman (ra) stood on the pulpit and said: “I heard from the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) a hadith that I didn’t tell you about previously because I feared you would all leave from Madinah. I heard him say: ‘Being stationed in the path of Allah for a day is better than 1000 days anywhere else. So let everyone choose what they like.”

Abu Bakr as Sideeq (ra) escorted an army and walked with them and then said, “Praise be to Allah for having dust on our feet in his cause.” A man said: “But we just escorted them and gave them farewell?” Abu Bakr said: “We prepared them, gave them farewell and made prayers for them.”

Abu Bakr bin Abi Musa said I heard my father say: “Paradise is beneath the shadow of swords.” A man dressed in poor clothes stood up and said: “O Abu Musa! Did you hear that from the Messenger of Allah(Peace be upon him)?” He said “yes” The man went back to his companions and gave them his salaams, then he drew out his sword, broke his sheath and went on to fight until he was killed.”

Urwah bin al Zubair said: “Al Zubair had three scars from sword wounds. One was on his shoulder. It was so large I would stick my fingers in it. Two of them were from Badr and one in the battle of Yarmuk”

Anas bin Malik (ra) said: ‘Abu al Dujanah threw himself behind the walls in Yamamah and his leg broke. He kept on fighting with a broken leg until he was killed.’

Muadh bin Amr bin al Jamooh said: ‘I made Abu Jahl my target on the day of Badr. When I found him, I charged at him and hit him with my sword and cut his leg in two. Then his son Ikrimah hit me on my shoulder until he cut off my arm. It only remained hanging to my body by the skin of my side. But because fighting distracted me I remained dragging it behind me for most of the day. Dragging my arm behind me annoyed me so I placed my foot over it and pulled it off.’

Khalid bin al Waleed (ra) said: “That I were to marry a beautiful woman whom I love, or that I were given the good news of having a newborn son, it is less beloved and dear to my heart then to be, in a cold icy night, in an army waiting to meet the enemy the next morning. I advise you to go on Jihad”

These were the words of Khalid before his death. He also said, “I was prevented a lot of reciting of Quran because of my preoccupation with Jihad.”

Abdullah bin Amr said, “Shall I tell you about the best martyr on the Day of Judgment? That is the one who stands in the ranks on the battlefield and when they face the enemy he does not turn left or right. Rather he carries his sword and says: “O Allah! Today I hand over to you my soul to make up for my past days!” and then he is killed. That person is among the martyrs who now lie down in the high rooms of Paradise wherever they wish!”

Ibn Umar (ra) said, “One trip on Jihad is better than 50 Hajjs.”

Abu al Hassan al Muradi narrated that Ali bin Bakar said: “I’ve seen a Muslim in a battle against the Romans with his intestines spilled in front of him over his saddle. He stuck them back to his stomach and tied his turban around it. He carried on fighting and ended up killed over ten Roman soldiers before falling dead!”

Al Khateeb mentions in “The history of Baghdad” and Ibn Asakir in “The history of Damascus”, that Muhammad bin Fadhail bin Iyad said: “I saw Ibn al Mubarak in my dream so I asked him “What did you find your best deeds to be?” He said: “The deed that I preoccupied myself with.” I asked “Jihad and Ribaat?” He said: “Yes.” I told him “So what did Allah Almighty do to you?” He said, “He forgave me.”

Al Fadhl bin Ziyad said: I heard Abu Abdullah (Imam Ahmad) when Qazw was mentioned to him he started to cry and then said, “There is no act of worship greater than it”

(Ibn Qudamah records) in al Mugni it states that Imam Ahmad said: “There is nothing comparable in rewards to meeting the enemy. And for one to involve in the actual fighting is the best of deeds (compared to supportive roles.) The ones who are fighting the enemy are the ones defending Islam, so what can be greater than that? People feel save while they feel fear. They have given up their souls for Allah.”

Uthman is one of the Imams of the Tabi’een and one of their fighters. He was asked, “Are you going out to fight this year?” He said, “Yes, I wouldn’t want to miss fighting even if I were to make 100,000 dinars.”

Saad bin Abdul Aziz said Abu Muslim al Khawlani died in the territory of the Romans during the reign of Mu’awyah. He told Bisr bin Arta’ah (a companion who was the leader of their army): “Appoint me as the Amir (commander) over the dead and hand me the banner of war and make my grave the closest of all the graves of the martyrs to the enemy. I want to be resurrected on the Day of Judgment carrying the banner of war leading the martyrs.”

Yazeed bin Abi Ubayd said: “I asked Salamah bin al Akwa: “What was your pledge to the Messenger of Allah on the day of Hudaybiah?” He said: “We pledged to die.”

Al Qurtubi writes in his Tafseer, “As long as the enemy is more than twice the number of Muslims they can retreat but being steadfast and fighting is better. In the battle of Mutah the Muslims with only 3000 faced the Roman army of 200,000 Roman soldiers and 100,000 Arab soldiers. It is also mentioned that when Tariq was opening al Andalusia he had only 1700 soldiers while his enemy was 70,000 strong.”

Source: ‘Mashari al-Ashwaq ila Masari al-Ushaaq’ by Imam Ibn Nuhaas Translated by Imam Anwar Awlaki

18 February 2013

Some of the beautiful sayings of the great Sahaba Al-Miqdad ibn Amr

‘Abd ar-Rahman bin Jubayr bin Nufayr related that his father said:

“We were sitting with al-Miqdad bin al-Aswad one day, and a man came by and said: “How fortunate those two eyes of yours are that have seen the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him). I wish I had seen what you have seen and witnessed what you witnessed.”

So, al-Miqdad became angry, and I was surprised! The man only said something good!

He then walked over to the man and said: “What makes this man wish to be where Allah made him absent when he has no idea how he would’ve acted there? By Allah, there were people who saw the Messenger of Allah who will be dragged by Allah on their noses in Hell because they didn’t respond to his call and did not believe in his message. Will you not thank Allah that you were born knowing only your Lord, believing in what your Prophet came with, and have been relieved of trials that others had to go through?””
Reported by Ahmad (6/2)

On the day of Badr the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) consulted the people for advice and conveyed the news about Quraysh to them. Abu Bakr stood up and said something good, and so did `Umar. Al-Miqdad bin `Amr stood up and said, `O Allah's Messenger! March to what Allah has commanded you, for we are with you. By Allah! We will not say to you what the Children of Israel said to Musa,

﴿فَاذْهَبْ أَنتَ وَرَبُّكَ فَقَاتِلا إِنَّا هَـهُنَا قَـعِدُونَ﴾

("So go you and your Lord and fight you two, we are sitting right here'') ﴿5:24. Rather, go you and Your Lord and fight, we will be fighting along with you both. By He Who has sent you with Truth! If you decide to take us to Birk-ul-Ghimad, we will fight along with you until you reach it.' (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

03 February 2013

The extreme coldness of Hell fire

It was said Zubayd al-Yami woke up one night to pray. So, he walked towards the bowl of water that he would wash up from and put his hand it to find the water so cold that it was almost frozen. This reminded him of the extreme cold in Hell, and he did not remove his hand from the bowl until he later awoke and his servant came to find him like this. His servant said: “What are you doing, sir? Why didn’t you pray at night as you usually do? Why are you sitting here like this?” He replied: “I put my hand in this bowl and touched the cold water, and was reminded of the extreme cold of Hell. By Allah, I did not feel the severity of its coolness until you came just now. So, go and don’t tell anyone about this until I die.” And nobody knew of this incident until he had died, may Allah have Mercy on him.

It is mentioned in an authentic hadith: “Hell complained to its Lord, saying: “Parts of me have consumed the other parts.” So, He allowed it two breaths of exhalation: one in winter and one in summer. As for its breath in winter, that is the bitter cold, and its breath in the summer is the extreme heat.”

25 January 2013

Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihi Salam) and the tyrant

Narrated by Abu Huraira (RadiyAllah anhu):

Prophet Ibrahim Alaihi Salam (Abraham) did not tell a lie except on three occasion. Twice for the Sake of Allah when he said, "I am sick," and he said, "(I have not done this but) the big idol has done it." The (third was) that while Ibrahim Alaihi Salam and Sarah (his wife) were going (on a journey) they passed by (the territory of) a tyrant from among the tyrants.

Someone said to the tyrant, "This man (i.e. Ibrahim Alaihi Salam) is accompanied by a very charming lady." So, he sent for Ibrahim Alaihi Salam and asked him about Sarah saying, "Who is this lady?" Ibrahim Alaihi Salam said, "She is my sister." Ibrahim Alaihi Salam went to Sarah and said, "O Sarah! There are no believers on the surface of the earth except you and I. This man asked me about you and I have told him that you are my sister, so don't contradict my statement."

The tyrant then called Sarah and when she went to him, he tried to take hold of her with his hand, but (his hand got stiff and) he was confounded. He asked Sarah. "Pray to Allah for me, and I shall not harm you." So Sarah asked Allah to cure him and he got cured. He tried to take hold of her for the second time, but (his hand got as stiff as or stiffer than before and) was more confounded. He again requested Sarah, "Pray to Allah for me, and I will not harm you." Sarah asked Allah again and he became alright. He then called one of his guards (who had brought her) and said, "You have not brought me a human being but have brought me a devil." The tyrant then gave Hajar as a girl-servant to Sarah.

Sarah came back (to Ibrahim Alaihi Salam) while he was praying. Ibrahim Alaihi Salam, gesturing with his hand, asked, "What has happened?" She replied, "Allah has spoiled the evil plot of the infidel (or immoral person) and gave me Hajar for service." (Abu Huraira then addressed his listeners saying, "That (Hajar) was your mother, O Bani Ma-is-Sama (i.e. the Arabs, the descendants of Ishmael, Hajar's son).

Sahih Al Bukhari 4:578

22 January 2013

The zeal of Salahuddin Ayyubi for Jihad against crusaders

Qadi Ibn Shaddad described Salahuddin’s state when the crusaders were occupying Muslim land.
“The occupation of Jerusalem was a great matter that even a mountain could not bear. He was like a mother who is bereaved of her child. He rode from one place to another urging the people to jihad and wandered about places crying “Oh for Islam” and his eyes shed tears. The more he looked at Acre (which was occupied by Crusaders) and the trials afflicted the people, the more he urged people to Jihad. At that time he ate nothing. He drank medicine given by the doctor. I was told by some of his doctors that from Sunday till Friday he ate only insignificant amount because he was so interested in Jihad”. 

When Salahuddin Ayyubi was asked about the reason why he ate a little, he answered “How can mirth, food and sleep be agreeable to me while Jerusalem is in the hands of the crusader’s”. 

Qadi Ibn  Shaddad also says
“Because of his Jihad and desire to make Allah’s word supreme, he left his children and family for a long time in order to liberate Jerusalem from the claws of the wicked crusaders and cruel invaders.  

Once Salahuddin was told that the enemy has defeated the Muslims, he prostrated and prayed “Oh Allah, my worldly means have been exhausted, so I have failed to achieve victory for your religion. Nothing remains but your aid, holding fast to your rope, and depending on Your grace. You are sufficient for me, as you are the best Trustee “. I saw his weeping so much in prayer that his tears fell on his beard, then on the carpet. I could not hear what he said. 

On the day he was told the Muslims had triumphed over their enemies. He used to fight on Friday in order to get the Blessings of the supplications of the ones giving the sermons in the mosques, for maybe their prayers would be answered”. 

Source: Salah Ad-Din Al Ayyubi (Saladin), Hero of the battle of Hattin and Liberator of Jerusalem from crusaders by ‘Abdullah Nasih ‘Ulwan

13 January 2013

The Salaf and their prayer

Mujaahid (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “When one of them stood in prayer, he would be too fearful of his Lord to allow his eyes to be drawn to anything, or to turn aside or to fidget by playing with pebbles or anything else or to think of any worldly matter, unless he forgot, during prayer.”

When Ibn al-Zubayr stood up to pray, he would be like a stick (i.e., immobile) with khushoo’. Once he was prostrating when a missile from a catapult was launched at him, when Makkah was being besieged, and part of his garment was torn away whilst he was praying, and he did not even raise his head.

Muslimah ibn Bashshaar was praying in the mosque when part of it collapsed, and the people got up [and fled], but he was praying and did not even notice.

When the time for prayer came, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib would be visibly shaken, and the color of his face would change. It was said to him, “what is the matter with you?’ He said, “By Allah, there has come the time of the amaanah (trust) which Allah offered to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it, but I bore it (referring to ayah of Surah Al-Ahzaab 33:72).”

When Sa’eed al-Tanookhi prayed, there would be tears rolling down his cheeks onto his beard.

One of the Taabi’een, when he stood up to pray, his color would change, and he would say, “Do you know before Whom I am going to stand and with Whom I am going to talk?”

They said to ‘Aamir ibn ‘Abd al-Qays, “Do you think to yourself during prayer?” He said, “Is there anything I like to think about more than the prayer?” They said, “We think to ourselves during prayer.” He said, “About Paradise and al-hooralin and so on?” They said, “No; about our families and our wealth.” He said, “If I were to be run through with spears, it would be dearer to me than thinking to myself about worldly matters during prayer.”

Sa’d ibn Mu’aadh said: “I have three qualities, which I wish I could keep up all the time, then I would really be something. When I am praying, I do not think about anything except the prayer I am doing; if I hear any hadeeth from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), I do not have any doubts about it; and when I attend a janaazah (funeral), I do not think about anything except what the janaazah says and what is said to it.”

Haatim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “I carry out what I am commanded; I walk with fear of Allah in my heart; I start with the [correct] intention; I magnify and glorify Allah; I recite at a slow and measured pace, thinking about the meaning; I bow with khushoo’; I prostrate with humility; I sit and recite the complete tashahhud; I say salaam with the [correct] intention; I finish with sincerity towards Allah; and I come back fearing lest [my prayer] has not been accepted from me, so I continue to strive until I die.”

Abu Bakr al-Subghi said: “I lived through the time of two imaams (leaders) although I was not fortunate enough to hear them in person: Abu Haatim al-Raazi and Muhammad ibn Nasr al-Marwazi. As for Ibn Nasr, I do not know of any prayer better than his. I heard that a hornet stung him on his forehead and blood started flowing down his face, but he did not move.” Muhammad ibn Ya’qoob al-Akhram said: “I have never seen any prayer better than that of Muhammad ibn Nasr. Flies used to land on his ears, and he did not shoo them away. We used to marvel at how good his prayer and khushoo’ were. His fear [of Allah] in prayer was so great that he would put his chin on his chest as if he were a piece of wood standing up.”

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him), when he started to pray, used to tremble so much that he would lean right and left. 

Source: 33 Ways of developing Khushoo’ in Salaah By Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

11 January 2013

The Most Profitable Bargain

By Sayyid Qutb

Allah has bought of the believers their lives and their property, promising them heaven in return: they fight for the cause of Allah, kill and be killed. This is a true promise which He has made binding on Himself in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur’ān. Who is more true to his promise than Allah? Rejoice, then, in the bargain you have made with Him. That is the supreme triumph. (Verse 111, Surah Thawbah)

This Verse is an inspiring verse, revealing the nature of the relationship between the believers and Allah, and the nature of the deal they make with Allah when they adopt Islam and which remains in force throughout their lives. Whoever makes this deal and remains true to it is the one who may truly be described as a believer reflecting the nature of faith. Otherwise his claim to be a believer remains short of proof.

The nature of this deal, or this contract of sale, as Allah graciously describes it, is that He has taken for Himself the souls and property of the believers, leaving them nothing of all that. They do not retain any part of that which they would feel too dear to sacrifice for His cause. They no longer have any choice whether to spend it in furthering His cause or not. It is indeed a deal that has been concluded and sealed.

The buyer may do what He likes, as He pleases, with what He has bought. The seller has no option other than to fulfil the terms of the deal. He cannot argue or make any choices. He can only do what the deal specifies. The price given for this purchase is paradise, and the way to be followed by the sellers is that of jihād, fighting and sacrificing their lives, and the end result is either victory or martyrdom.

“Allah has bought of the believers their lives and their property, promising them heaven in return: they fight for the cause of Allah, kill and be killed.” (Verse 111) Whoever is party to this deal, signing the contract, paying the price agreed is a true believer. It is with the believers that Allah has made this deal of purchase. He has bestowed His grace on them by specifying a price. He is, after all, the One who gives life and property to all His creation, and He has also given human beings the ability to make a choice. He then bestowed further grace on human beings by making them able to make contracts, even with Allah Himself, and holding them to their contracts. He makes the honoring of their contract an evidence of their humanity, while going back on it is evidence of sinking back to the level of animals, and the worst of animals: “Indeed, the worst of all creatures in Allah’s sight are the ones who have denied the truth, and therefore will not believe; those with whom you have concluded a treaty, and then they break their treaty at every occasion, entertaining no sense of fearing Allah.” (8: 55-56) He has also made the honoring or violation of such deals the criterion of reckoning and reward.

It is indeed an awesome deal, but it remains binding on every believer who is able to honor its terms. He is not to be exempt from it unless he goes back on his faith. Hence the sense of dread that I feel now as I am writing these words. “Allah has bought of the believers their lives and their property, promising them heaven in return: they fight for the cause of Allah, kill and be killed.” (Verse 111) My Lord, we certainly need Your help.

The deal fills us with awe. Yet those who are claiming to be Muslims everywhere, from the far east to the far west are sitting idle, unwilling to strive hard in order to establish the fundamental truth of Allah’s Lordship on earth, or to remove the tyranny which usurps the qualities of Lordship over human life on earth. They are unwilling to fight, kill and be killed for Allah’s cause, and unwilling to undertake a struggle that does not involve fighting and sacrificing one’s life.

These words touched the hearts of the early Muslims at the time of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and were transformed into a reality that they would experience in life. They were not mere words carrying certain abstract meanings for contemplation and reflection.

They were meant for immediate implementation. This is how `Abdullah ibn Rawahah felt at the time of the second pledge given by the Ansar to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) at `Aqabah as reported by Muhammad ibn Ka`b al-Qurazi and others: “ `Abdullah ibn Rawahah asked Allah’s Messenger(Peace beupon) to specify Allah’s conditions and his own conditions. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: `As for Allah, the condition is that you worship Him alone, associating no partners with Him. And as for myself, the condition is that you protect me like you protect yourselves and your property.’ He said: ‘What do we get in return if we fulfill these terms?’ The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: ‘Paradise.’ They all said: ‘This is a profitable deal. We accept no going back and we will not go back on it ourselves.’”

That is how they felt about the whole contract: it was a profitable deal that allows no going back by either party. They treated it as a final deal concluded and sealed, with no opting out clause. The price, which is paradise, is paid, not deferred. Is it not a promise made by Allah Himself? Is He not the purchaser? Is He not the One who has made an old promise specifying the price in all His revelations: “This is a true promise which He has made binding on Himself in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur’ān.” (Verse 111)
“Who is more true to his promise than Allah?” (Verse 111) Indeed a promise by Allah is certain to be honored. No one fulfills his promises like He does.

Jihad, or striving for Allah’s cause, is a deal made by every believer, ever since the first Messenger was sent to mankind with a religion setting out the principles of faith. It is a course of action that is necessary to put life on a proper footing. Without it human life will not follow its right course. It is as Allah says in the Qur’ān: “Had it not been for the fact that Allah repels one group of people by another, the earth would have been utterly corrupted.” (2: 251) And He also says: “Had it not been for the fact that Allah repels one group of people by another, monasteries, temples, houses of worship and mosques, wherein Allah’s name is often praised, would have been pulled down.” (22: 40)

10 January 2013

Umar bin Khattab's final moments

From the mosque Umar was carried home. When he regained consciousness he asked who his murderer was. He was told that his murderer was the Persian slave Firoz. Thereupon Umar said, "Praise be to God that I have not been murdered by a Muslim".

The physician administered him date cordial and milk. These could not be digested and gushed out of his wounds. That indicated that the wounds were fatal and that he could not survive for long.

The people around him praised him for his virtues and sterling qualities. He asked them not to praise him. He said:

"All praise is to Allah. If all the treasures of this world were to be at my disposal, I would offer them as a ransom to be saved from the trial at the Day of Judgment."

He then recited the Arabic verse:
"I have been unjust to my soul,
Except that I am a Muslim,
Say my prayers and fast."

Umar asked his son Abdullah to wait on Ayesha and beg her permission for his burial by the side of the Holy Prophet and Abu Bakr. Ayesha wept as she came to know that Umar was about to die. She said, "I had reserved this place for my own burial, but I give Umar precedence over myself. Let him be buried there". When Umar was told that Ayesha had given the permission, he felt happy and said, "God bless Ayesha. She has fulfilled my greatest wish. Now I can die in peace."

Then he asked his son to estimate the debt that he had to pay. He was told that the debt amounted to eighty six thousand dirhams. This included the salary that he had drawn from the Baitul Mal during the period of his caliphate. He instructed that the debt should be paid by the sale of his property. Thereafter Umar gave detailed instructions to his son regarding his funeral. He said:

"Be moderate in the expenses of my shroud, for verily if there is anything of good with God in my favour, He will give me in exchange what is better than it, and if I have been otherwise, He will strip me of all that I have. And be moderate in the grave that you dig for me, for verily if there be anything of good with God in my favour, He will widen it for me, and if I have been otherwise, He will make it narrow for me to squeeze my body. And let no woman go with my funeral. Praise me not for that which is not in me, for the Lord knows best what I am. Therefore when you carry me to the grave, hasten in your going for if there is anything of good with God in my favour you will speed me to that which is good, and if I have been otherwise, you will cast from your necks an evil that you bear."

Thereafter Umar turned his face to the Qibla and breathed his last. There was serene smile on his face as he lay dead.

Original source: Hadrat Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, Ali (RadiyAllah anhu) 4 Vol. Set by Professor Masud-ul-Hasan 

07 January 2013

How the donkey of a scholar slips into mud

The great scholar Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak used to rebuke the scholars who were found at the doors of the Rulers as more often than not, who sold their religion and their knowledge for mere temporary gain, honor or praise. He would also see it to be unbefitting when a scholar accepted a position of authority from the Rulers as this could also lead to the scholar's downfall and demise in this world. One example of this is when it was said to Ibn al-Mubarak, that 'Isma'il ibn ‘Aliya has been made a Judge.' So Ibn al-Mubarak wrote to him the following lines of poetry: 

يا جاعل العلم له بازيا *** يصطاد أموال المساآين

O you who made his knowledge to be a falcon
With which he seizes the wealth of the poor!

احتلت للدنيا ولذاتها *** بحيلة تذهب بالدين

You have taken on the world and its delights
With a scheme that does away with religion!

فصرت مجنونا بها بعدما *** آنت دواء للمجانين

And so you have become a mad one
After having being a cure for the mad ones

أين رواياتك في سردها *** عن ابن عون وابن سيرين

Where are your recorded narrations
From Ibn 'Awn and Ibn Sireen?

أين رواياتك فيما مضى *** في ترك أبواب السلاطين

Where are your narrations in the past
About abandoning the doors of the Rulers?

إن قلت أآرهت فما هكذا *** زل حمار الشيخ في الطين

If you say that you've been forced (into judgment)
Then that's not how the donkey of a scholar slips into mud

Source: The biography of Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak compiled by Farhiya Yahya