16 December 2010

Some etiquettes of dua (Supplication)

by Imam al-Nawawi

- Seek out the blessed times of Prayer: The Day of the Standing on the plain of Arafat [during Hajj]; the month of fasting [Ramadan]; Fridays [days of congregational prayers]; and during the night [especially the last third of it].

- Seek out the blessed moments for Prayer when the heart is receptive and tender: immediately after the five daily prescribed Prayers; between the call to Prayer (adhan) and the final call to Prayer (iqama); when breaking fast; while on the field of battle; when rainfall occurs; and when bowing down [sujud] in Prayer, for the Prophet( Peace be upon him) said, `The worshipper is closest to his Lord while bowing down. So pray much then.' (Muslim.)

- Face the direction of Makka and raise the hands [with palms spread upward] to the level of the shoulders.

- Voice supplications in a moderate tone that is neither too loud nor too soft.

- Prayers need not be said in a forced rhymed prose [an often natural form in Arabic].

- Implore God with humility and reverence.

- Be fervent in Prayer and optimistic of the answer. Sufyan ibn Uyayna stated: What a person knows of himself should never stop him from supplicating to Allah for He answered the most evil creatures, Iblis [Shaytan], when he said, `Give me respite until the Day they are resurrected. Allah said, You are of the respired ones.' [al-Araf 7: 14.]

- Repeat requests, preferably three times, and don't be impatient or despondent in waiting for an answer.

- Begin supplication with the mention of God [His Names, praises and attributes] before asking of Him, and entreat God to send His blessings and peace upon the Prophet.

- Strive for inner purity with repentance and sincere devotion.

Source: In the Early Hours: Reflections on Spiritual and Self Development by Khurram Murad

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